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SD (19)
The School Book of Forestry [electronic resource] / Charles Lathrop Pack
Arbor Day Leaves : A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information [electronic resource] / Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
Practical Forestry in the Pacific Northwest : Protecting Existing Forests and Growing New Ones, from the Standpoint of the Public and That of the Lumberman, with an Outline of Technical Methods [electronic resource] / E. T. Allen
Sylva; Or, A Discourse of Forest Trees. Vol. 1 (of 2) [electronic resource] / John Evelyn
Ohio Arbor Day 1913 : Arbor and Bird Day Manual : Issued for the Benefit of the Schools of our State [electronic resource]
Eucalyptos e Acacias : Vinte annos de experiencias [electronic resource] / Jaime de Magalhães Lima
The Training of a Forester [electronic resource] / Gifford Pinchot
Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota [electronic resource] / Louis Daniel Frenzel
Motor Truck Logging Methods : Engineering Experiment Station Series, Bulletin No. 12 [electronic resource] / Frederick Malcolm Knapp
Wood and Forest [electronic resource] / William Noyes
Our National Forests : A Short Popular Account of the Work of the United States Forest Service on the National Forests [electronic resource] / Richard H. D. Boerker
American Forest Trees [electronic resource] / Hu Maxwell
The Principal Species of Wood : Their Characteristic Properties : First Edition [electronic resource] / Charles H. Snow
A Brief History of Forestry. : In Europe, the United States and Other Countries [electronic resource] / B. E. Fernow
Metsät ja yhtiöt [electronic resource] / Kalle Kajander
Forest Trees of Texas : How to Know Them [electronic resource] / John A. Haislet
On Naval Timber and Arboriculture : With Critical Notes on Authors who have Recently Treated the Subject of Planting [electronic resource] / Patrick Matthew
Forestry for Farmers [electronic resource] / B. E. Fernow
Montezuma National Forest, Colorado (1939) [electronic resource] / United States. Forest Service. Rocky Mountain Region