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California -- Gold discoveries (13)
What I Saw in California : A Description of Its Soil, Climate, Productions, and Gold Mines, with the Best Routes and Latest Information for Intending Emigrants; to Which is Annexed an Appendix Containing Official Documents and Letters Authenticating the Accounts of the Quantities of Gold Found, with Its Actual Value Ascertained by Chemical Assay; also Late Communications Containing Accounts of the Highest Interest and Importance from the Gold Districts; with a Map [electronic resource] / Edwin Bryant
The Forty-Niners : A Chronicle of the California Trail and El Dorado [electronic resource] / Stewart Edward White
The Adventures of a Forty-niner : An Historic Description of California, with Events and Ideas of San Francisco and Its People in Those Early Days [electronic resource] / Sigismond de Ivanowski
Death Valley in '49 : Important chapter of California pioneer history. The autobiography of a pioneer, detailing his life from a humble home in the Green Mountains to the gold mines of California; and particularly reciting the sufferings of the band of men, women and children who gave "Death Valley" its name [electronic resource] / William Lewis Manly
The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California : To which is Added a Description of the Physical Geography of California, with Recent Notices of the Gold Region from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources [electronic resource] / John Charles Frémont
The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52 [electronic resource] / Dame Shirley
History of the State of California : From the Period of the Conquest by Spain to Her Occupation by the United States of America [electronic resource] / John Frost
Golden Dreams and Leaden Realities [electronic resource] / George Payson
California as It Is and as It May Be : A Guide to the Gold Region [electronic resource] / Felix Paul Wierzbicki
The Adventures of Two Alabama Boys [electronic resource] / H. J. Crumpton
Californische Skizzen [electronic resource] / Friedrich Gerstäcker
Audubon's western journal : 1849-1850 : Being the MS. record of a trip from New York to Texas, and an overland journey through Mexico and Arizona to the gold-fields of California [electronic resource] / Maria R. Audubon
Journal of Travels From St. Josephs to Oregon : With Observations of That Country, Together With Some Description of California, Its Agricultural Interests, and a Full Description of Its Gold Mines. [electronic resource] / Riley Root