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Power Through Repose [electronic resource] / Annie Payson Call
Nerves and Common Sense [electronic resource] / Annie Payson Call
As a Matter of Course [electronic resource] / Annie Payson Call
The Freedom of Life [electronic resource] / Annie Payson Call
Keeping Fit All the Way : How to Obtain and Maintain Health, Strength and Efficiency [electronic resource] / Walter Camp
Hygeia, a City of Health [electronic resource] / Benjamin Ward Richardson
Venereal Diseases in New Zealand (1922) : Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Health appointed by the Hon. Minister of Health [electronic resource] / New Zealand. Committee of the Board of Health
Maintaining Health (Formerly Health and Efficiency) [electronic resource] / Rasmus Larssen Alsaker
Spadacrene Anglica : The English Spa Fountain [electronic resource] / James Rutherford
Measles [electronic resource] / William Colby Rucker
Mental Defectives and Sexual Offenders : Report of the Committee of Inquiry Appointed by the Hon. Sir Maui Pomare, K.B.E., C.M.G., Minister of Health [electronic resource] / New Zealand. Committee of Inquiry into Mental Defectives and Sexual Offenders
Studies in Forensic Psychiatry [electronic resource] / Bernard Glueck
How to Live : Rules for Healthful Living Based on Modern Science [electronic resource] / Eugene Lyman Fisk
A Lecture on the Preservation of Health [electronic resource] / Thomas Garnett
Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology [electronic resource] / W. G. Aitchison Robertson
The Healthy Life, Vol. V, Nos. 24-28 : The Independent Health Magazine [electronic resource] / Various
How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to Double Its Satisfactions [electronic resource] / S. S. Curry
The Untroubled Mind [electronic resource] / Herbert J. Hall
The Woman Beautiful; or, The Art of Beauty Culture [electronic resource] / Helen Follett Jameson
A Handbook of Health [electronic resource] / Woods Hutchinson
Civics and Health [electronic resource] / W. T. Sedgwick
Health on the Farm : A Manual of Rural Sanitation and Hygiene [electronic resource] / H. F. Harris
The Ladies Book of Useful Information : Compiled from many sources [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Rural Hygiene [electronic resource] / Henry N. Ogden
Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life : Wherein is demonstrated, by his own Example, the Method of Preserving Health to Extreme Old Age [electronic resource] / Luigi Cornaro
A Letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Chancellor, on the Nature and Interpretation of Unsoundness of Mind, and Imbecility of Intellect [electronic resource] / John Haslam
American Red Cross Text-Book on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick [electronic resource] / Jane A. Delano
Epidemics Examined and Explained ; or, Living Germs Proved by Analogy to be a Source of Disease [electronic resource] / John Grove
The Diary of a Resurrectionist, 1811-1812 : To Which Are Added an Account of the Resurrection Men in London and a Short History of the Passing of the Anatomy Act [electronic resource] / James Blake Bailey
Food Poisoning [electronic resource] / Edwin O. Jordan
On Snake-Poison : Its Action and Its Antidote [electronic resource] / A. Mueller
Sound Mind : Or, Contributions to the natural history and physiology of the human intellect [electronic resource] / John Haslam
Ueber die Wirkung des Nordsee-Bades : Eine physiologisch-chemische Untersuchung [electronic resource] / F. W. Beneke
Medical experts : Investigation of Insanity by Juries [electronic resource] / W. S. Thorne
Health : Five Lay Sermons to Working-People [electronic resource] / John Brown
The Court of Cacus; Or, The Story of Burke and Hare [electronic resource] / Alexander Leighton
The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging Life : By Food, Clothes, Air, Exercise, Wine, Sleep, &c. and Peptic Precepts, Pointing Out Agreeable and Effectual Methods to Prevent and Relieve Indigestion, and to Regulate and Strengthen the Action of the Stomach and Bowels [electronic resource] / William Kitchiner
The History of Burke and Hare, and of the Resurrectionist Times : A Fragment from the Criminal Annals of Scotland [electronic resource] / George Mac Gregor
A Guide to Health [electronic resource] / A. Rama Iyer
Health, Happiness, and Longevity : Health without medicine: happiness without money: the result, longevity [electronic resource] / Louis Philippe McCarty
Renlighet och frisk luft [electronic resource] / Hjalmar Öhrvall
Memoranda on Poisons [electronic resource] / Thomas Hawkes Tanner
Poisons, Their Effects and Detection : A Manual for the Use of Analytical Chemists and Experts [electronic resource] / Alexander Wynter Blyth
A History of Epidemics in Britain, Volume 1 (of 2) : From A.D. 664 to the Extinction of Plague [electronic resource] / Charles Creighton
Legal Chemistry : A Guide to the Detection of Poisons, Examination of Tea, Stains, Etc., as Applied to Chemical Jurisprudence [electronic resource] / Jesse P. Battershall
A History of Epidemics in Britain, Volume 2 (of 2) : From the Extinction of Plague to the Present Time [electronic resource] / Charles Creighton
Gerichtliche Leichen-Oeffnungen. Zweites Hundert. [electronic resource] / Johann Ludwig Casper
The Sanitary Evolution of London [electronic resource] / Henry Jephson
Gerichtliche Leichen-Oeffnungen. Erstes Hundert. [electronic resource] / Johann Ludwig Casper
History of Sanitation [electronic resource] / J. J. Cosgrove
Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic medicine and Toxicology. Vol. 1 [electronic resource] / R. A. Witthaus
Anatomy and Embalming : A Treatise on the Science and Art of Embalming, the Latest and Most Successful Methods of Treatment and the General Anatomy Relating to this Subject [electronic resource] / Albert John Nunnamaker
Premature Burial and How It May Be Prevented [electronic resource] / William Tebb
Thoughts on General and Partial Inoculations : Containing a translation of two treatises written when the author was at Petersburg, and published there, by Command of her Imperial Majesty, in the Russian Language [electronic resource] / Thomas Dimsdale
Cremation of the Dead : Its History and Bearings Upon Public Health [electronic resource] / William Eassie
History of Embalming ; and, of Preparations in Anatomy, Pathology, and Natural History; Including an Account of a New Process for Embalming [electronic resource] / Richard Harlan
Social Work; Essays on the Meeting Ground of Doctor and Social Worker [electronic resource] / Richard C. Cabot
The Present Method of Inoculating for the Small-Pox : To which are added, some experiments, instituted with a view to discover the effects of a similar treatment in the natural small-pox [electronic resource] / Thomas Dimsdale
Health : How to get it and keep it. : The hygiene of dress, food, exercise, rest, bathing, breathing, and ventilation. [electronic resource] / Walter V. Woods
A Treatise on Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate [electronic resource] / Simon Paulli
A Treatise of Cleanness in Meats and Drinks, of the Preparation of Food, : the Excellency of Good Airs, and the Benefits of Clean Sweet Beds. Also of the Generation of Bugs, and Their Cure. To Which Is Added, a Short Discourse of the Pain in the Teeth, Shewing What Cause It Does Chiefly Proceed, and Also How to Prevent It. [electronic resource] / Thomas Tryon
Sanitary Statistics of Native Colonial Schools and Hospitals [electronic resource] / Florence Nightingale
The Prolongation of Life : Optimistic Studies [electronic resource] / P. Chalmers, Mitchell
A Mechanical Account of Poisons in Several Essays [electronic resource] / Richard Mead
Rules to be observed by masters and pilots of vessels, arriving at the port of Philadelphia, : established by the health law, and regulations of the Board of Health, to which is annexed, a supplement to the health law, passed on the 2d day of April, 1821. [electronic resource] / Philadelphia. Board of health
An Essay on the Effects of Opium. Considered as a Poison [electronic resource] / John Awsiter
London (Ancient and Modern) from the Sanitary and Medical Point of View [electronic resource] / George Vivian Poore
A vénülés elhárítása és az élet meghosszabbítása : Célszerű életmóddal és gyógyeszközökkel [electronic resource] / Arnold Lorand
The cremation of the dead : considered from an aesthetic, sanitary, religious, historical, medico-legal, and economical standpoint [electronic resource] / Hugo Erichsen
Principles of Public Health : A Simple Text Book on Hygiene, Presenting the Principles Fundamental to the Conservation of Individual and Community Health [electronic resource] / Thomas Dyer Tuttle
Reports Relating to the Sanitary Condition of the City of London [electronic resource] / John Simon
A Special Mortality among Infants at Loughton, in the Epping Rural Sanitary District [electronic resource] / William Henry, Power
Veien til Skjønhed, Sundhed og et Langt Liv [electronic resource] / Boyd Laynard
A supplementary report on the results of a special inquiry into the practice of interment in towns. [electronic resource] / Edwin Chadwick
The Health Master [electronic resource] / Samuel Hopkins Adams
Die gerichtliche Arzneikunde in ihrem Verhältnisse zur Rechtspflege, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der österreichischen Gesetzgebung. Erster Band. : Zum Gebrauche für Ärzte, Wundärzte und Rechtskundige dargestellt und mit entscheidenden Thatsachen begründet [electronic resource] / Franz von Ney
Climate and Health in Hot Countries and the Outlines of Tropical Climatology : A Popular Treatise on Personal Hygiene in the Hotter Parts of the World, and on the Climates That Will Be Met Within Them. [electronic resource] / George Michael James Giles
The City That Was [electronic resource] / Stephen Smith
ΝΕΚΡΟΚΗΔΕΙΑ; Or, the Art of Embalming; : Wherein Is Shewn the Right of Burial, and Funeral Ceremonies, Especially That of Preserving Bodies After the Egyptian Method. Together With an Account of the Egyptian Mummies, Pyramids, Subterranean Vaults and Lamps, and Their Opinion of the Metempsychosis, the Cause of Their Embalming. As Also a Geographical Description of Egypt, the Rise and Course of the Nile, the Temper, Constitution and Physic of the Inhabitants, Their Inventions, Arts, Sciences, Stupendous Works and Sepulchres, and Other Curious Observations Any Ways Relating to the Physiology and Knowledge of This Art. [electronic resource] / Thomas Greenhill
A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages : And of the Diseases and Casualties by Which They Are Destroyed or Annoyed. Illustrated With Charts and Tables [electronic resource] / William Black
The Common Nature of Epidemics, and their relation to climate and civilization [electronic resource] / Thomas Baker
Étude sur les maladies éteintes et les maladies nouvelles : pour servir à l'histoire des évolutions séculaires de la pathologie [electronic resource] / Charles Anglada
Epidemics Resulting from Wars [electronic resource] / Friedrich Prinzing
Hygiene : a manual of personal and public health (New Edition) [electronic resource] / Arthur, Newsholme
The Philosophy of Health; Volume 2 (of 2) ; or, an exposition of the physical and mental constitution of man [electronic resource] / Southwood Smith
Pilgrimages to the Spas in Pursuit of Health and Recreation : With an inquiry into the comparative merits of different mineral waters: the maladies to which they are applicable, and those in which they are injurious [electronic resource] / James Johnson
The Philosophy of Health; Volume 1 (of 2) ; or, an exposition of the physical and mental constitution of man [electronic resource] / Southwood Smith
Soil and Water Pollution : Presented to the American Public Health Association at New Orleans, Dec. 1880 [electronic resource] / M. T. Runnels
La simulación en la lucha por la vida [electronic resource] / José Ingenieros
Luxurious Bathing [electronic resource] / Tristram J. Ellis
The Epidemics of the Middle Ages [electronic resource] / John Caius
Sanitation of Mofussil Bazaars [electronic resource] / G. W. Disney
Water pollution—Wells [electronic resource] / Irving A. Watson
A Working Plan for Colored Antituberculosis Leagues [electronic resource] / Charles Poindexter Wertenbaker
The Annual Report on the Health of the Parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, during the year 1874 [electronic resource] / T. Orme Dudfield
Old Age Deferred : The causes of old age and its postponement by hygienic and therapeutic measures [electronic resource] / Arnold Lorand
An Authentick Account of the Measures and Precautions Used at Venice : By the Magistrate of the Office of Health, for the Preservation of Publick Health [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State For the Home Department, from the Poor Law Commissioners, on an Inquiry Into the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain; With Appendices [electronic resource] / Edwin Chadwick
Treatise on Poisons : In relation to medical jurisprudence, physiology, and the practice of physic [electronic resource] / Robert, Christison
On criminal abortion in America [electronic resource] / Horatio Robinson Storer