
Faculty of Engineering (269)
Mining Mechanical and Process Engineering (44)
Drilling and Blasting 324 - DBS721S
Drilling and Blasting 324 - DBS721S
Experimental Techniques for Process Engineers 324 - ETP720S
Experimental Techniques for Process Engineers 324 - ETP720S
Geo Statistics 314 - GSS710S
Geo Statistics 314 - GSS710S
Hydrometallurgy 314 - HMT710S
Hydrometallurgy 314 - HMT710S
Hydrometallurgy 324 - HMY720S
Hydrometallurgy 324 - HMY720S
Materials Handling 324 - MHD721S
Materials Handling 324 - MHD721S
Mechanical Metallurgy - MMY820S
Mechanical Metallurgy - MMY820S
Mine and Process Waste Management 314 - MPW721S
Mine and Process Waste Management 314 - MPW721S
Mine Laws and Licenses 323 - MLL721S
Mine Laws and Licenses 323 - MLL721S
Mine Ventilation 324 - MVT721S
Mine Ventilation 324 - MVT721S
Mineral Processing Techniques and Applications 324 - MPT721S
Mineral Processing Techniques and Applications 324 - MPT721S
Mineral Separation Processing - MPC711S
Mineral Separation Processing - MPC711S
Operations Research 313 - ORC711S
Operations Research 313 - ORC711S
Phase Diagram and Formatting Processes 314 - PDF711S
Phase Diagram and Formatting Processes 314 - PDF711S
Process Plant Design - PPD710S
Process Plant Design - PPD710S
Pyrometallurgy of Ferrous Metals 324 - PNM720S
Pyrometallurgy of Ferrous Metals 324 - PNM720S
Pyrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals - PNM710S
Pyrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals - PNM710S
Pyrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals - PNM710S
Pyrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals - PNM710S
Rock Engineering 324 - REE720S
Rock Engineering 324 - REE720S
Rock Mechanics 314 - RMC711S
Rock Mechanics 314 - RMC711S
Surface Mining 315 - SUM710S
Surface Mining 315 - SUM710S
Under Ground Mining 315 - UDM711S
Under Ground Mining 315 - UDM711S