NUST past examination papers between 2020 and 2024
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Faculty of Health Natural Resources and Applied Sciences (876)
Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences (168)
Agribusiness Management
- ABM720S
Agribusiness Management
- ABM720S
Agricultural Economics
- AEM520S
Agricultural Economics
- AEM520S
Agricultural Extension
- AGX620S
Agricultural Extension
- AGX620S
Agricultural mechanisation
- AMC520S
Agricultural Mechanisation
- AMC520S
Agricultural mechanisation
- AMC520S
Agricultural Mechanisation
- AMC520S
Agricultural Mechanisation
- AMC520S
Agricultural Policy and Rural Development
- APD721S
Agricultural Policy and Rural Development
- APD721S
Agricultural Statistics
- AGS520S
Agricultural Statistics
- AGS520S
AGRO Processing and Technology
- APT621S
- AGE721S
- AGE721S
Animal Health
- ANH620S
Animal Health
- ANH620S
Animal Studies 3
- ALS720S
Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Agricultural
- GRS62S1
Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Agriculture
- GRS62S1
Applied Fruit Production
- AFP720S
Applied Fruit Production
- AFP720S
Applied Vegetable Production
- AVP720S
Basic Econometrics for Agriculture
- BEA611S
Basic Econometrics for Agriculture
- BEA611S
Basic Research Methodology
- RME620S
Basic Research Methodology
- BRM622S
Basic Research Methodology
- RME620S
Basic Research Methodology
- BRM622S
Biodiversity Conversation Management
- BCM721S
Biology for Natural Sciences
- BNS511S
Biology for Natural Sciences
- BNS511S
Community Conversation and Protected Area Management
- CCP621S
Community Resource Management
- CRM820S
Community Resource Management
- CRM820S
Conservation Biology
- CSB810S
Conservation Biology
- CSB810S
Conservation Biology 1
- CSE511S
Conservation Biology 1
- CSE511S
Conservation Ecology 2
- CSE621S
Conservation Ecology 3
- CSE721S
Conservation Ecology 3
- CSE721S
Conversation Ecology 2
- CSE621S
Convervation Agriculture
- CVA621S
Crop Ecophysiology
- CEY720S
Crop Ecophysiology
- CEY720S
Crop Production
- CPN610S
Crop Production
- CPN610S
Crop Production
- CPN610S
Crop Production
- CPN610S
Crop Production
- CPN610S
Crop Production
- CPN610S
Economics of Trade
- ECT721S
Economics of Trade
- ECT721S
Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
- ENR721S
Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
- ENR721S
Environmental Education and Extension
- EEE621S
Environmental Education and Extension
- EEE621S
Environmental Management Principles
- EMP721S
Environmental Management Principles
- EMP721S
Financial Management for Agriculture
- FMA721S
Financial Management for Agriculture
- FMA721S
Financial Management for Nature Conservation
- FMG620S
Financial Management for Nature Conservation
- FMG620S
Forest Management
- FMG821S
Forest Management
- FMG821S
Fruit Physiology and Production
- FPP620S
GIS and Remote Sensing in Practice
- GRS811S
GIS and Remote Sensing in Practice
- GRS811S
Integrated Environment Management
- INM821S
Integrated Environment Management
- INM821S
Integrated Water and Wetland Management
- IWW821S
Integrated Water and Wetland Management
- IWW821S
Introdction to General Biology
- IBI511S
Introdction to General Biology
- IBI511S
Introdction to General Biology
- IBI511S
Introdction to General Biology
- IBI511S
Introdction to General Biology
- IBI511S
Introduction to Chemistry
- ICA511S
Introduction to Chemistry
- ICA511S
Introduction to Chemistry
- ICA511S
Introduction to Chemistry
- ICA511S
Introduction to Chemistry
- ICA511S
Introduction to Chemistry
- ICA511S
Leading and Management of Eco-Enterprise
- LME520S
Legal Framework for Natural Resources
- LFN512S
Mathematics for Agribusiness
- MTA611S
Mathematics for Agribusiness
- MTA611S
Mathematics for Agribusiness
- MTA611S
Mathematics for Agribusiness
- MTA611S
Mathematics for Agribusiness
- MTA611S
Nature Conservation Techniques 3
- NCT620S
Plant Physiology
- PTP610S
Plant Physiology
- PTP610S
Plant Physiology
- PTP610S
Plant Physiology
- PTP610S
Plant Physiology
- PTP610S
Plant Physiology
- PTP610S
Plant Protection
- PPN610S
Plant Protection
- PPN610S
Plant Protection
- PPN610S
Plant Protection
- PPT610S
Plant Protection
- PPN610S
Plant Protection
- PPN610S
Plant Studies
- PTS62S
Plant Studies
- PTS62S
Plant Studies 2
- PTS710S
Plant Studies 2
- PTS710S
Postharvest Physiology and Technology
- PPT720S
Posthavest Physiology and Technology
- PPT720S
Principles of Agribusiness Marketing
- PAM621S
Principles of Production Economics
- PPE611S
Principles of Production Economics
- PPE611S
Principles of Production Economics
- PPE611S
Principles of Production Economics
- PPE611S
Principles of Production Economics
- PPE611S
Principles of Production Economics
- PPE611S
Project Management
- PJA721S
Rangeland Ecology
- RGE521S
Rangeland Ecology
- RGE521S
Rangeland Ecology Management
- RGE811S
Rangeland Ecology Management
- RGE811S
Rangeland Ecology Management
- REM611S
Rangeland Ecology Management
- REM611S
Rangeland Regeneration
- RRG611S
Rangeland Regeneration
- RRG611S
Rangeland Regeneration
- RRG611S
Rangeland Regeneration
- RRG611S
Rangeland Regeneration
- RRG611S
Rangeland Regeneration
- RRG611S
Research Methodology
- RME620S
Research Methodology
- RME620S
Research Methods for Natural Sciences
- RMC811S
Research Methods for Natural Sciences
- RMC811S
Soil Science
- SSA520S
Soil Science
- SSA520S
Sustainable Crop Production
- SCP621S
Sustainable Crop Production
- SCP621S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry
- SLH611S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry
- SLH611S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry
- SLH611S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry
- SLH611S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry
- SLH611S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry
- SLH611S
Sustainable Non-Ruminant Husbandry
- SNH611S
Sustainable Non-Ruminant Husbandry
- SNH611S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry
- SHR611S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry
- SRH611S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry
- SRH611S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry
- SRH611S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry
- SRH611S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry
- SRH611S
Sustainable Urban Agriculture
- SUA721S
Turf Grass and Landscape Management
- TGL620S
Vegetable Physiology and Production
- VPP620S
Water and Wetland Resources Management
- WWR711S
Water and Wetland Resources Management
- WWR711S
Water Resources Management
- WRM721S
Wildlife Management
- WLM821S
Wildlife Monitoring and Handling
- WMH620S
Wildlife Monitoring and Handling
- WMH620S
Zoology 1
- ZLY520S
Zoology 1
- ZLY520S
Zoology 2
- ZLY621S
Zoology 2
- ZLY621S
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