NUST past examination papers between 2020 and 2024
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Faculty of Health Natural Resources and Applied Sciences (876)
Applied Sciences (234)
Advanced Analytical Methods and Chemometrics
- AAC811S
Advanced Analytical Methods and Chemometrics
- AAC811S
Advanced Calculus Theory
- ADC801S
Advanced Calculus Theory
- ADC801S
Advanced Complex Analysis
- ACA801S
Advanced Complex Analysis
- ACA801S
Advanced Geophysics
- AGE811S
Advanced Geophysics
- AGE811S
Advanced Microbiology
- AMB821S
Advanced Microbiology
- AMB821S
Advanced Organic Chemistry
- AOC811S
Advanced Organic Chemistry
- AOC811S
Agricultural Statistics
- AGS520S
Agricultural Statistics
- AGS520S
Algebra and Trigonometry
- AAT501S
Algebra and Trigonometry
- AAT501S
Analytical Principles and Practice
- APP601S
Analytical Principles and Practice
- APP601S
Animal Structure and Function
- ASF701S
Animal Structure and Function
- ASF701S
Applied Collid and Surface Chemistry
- ACS701S
Applied Collid and Surface Chemistry
- ACS701S
Applied Econometric Modelling
- AEM702S
Applied Econometric Modelling
- AEM702S
Applied Mathematical and Statistical Computing
- AMS602S
Applied Numerical Analysis
- ANA801S
Applied Numerical Analysis
- ANA801S
Applied Operations Research
- AOR802S
Applied Operations Research
- AOR802S
Applied Spatial Statistics
- ASS801S
Applied Spatial Statistics
- ASS801S
Applied Statistics and Probability
- ASP610S, ASP611S
Applied Statistics and Probability
- ASP610S, ASP611S
Basic Business
- BBS111S
Basic Business
- BBS111S
Basic Business Statistics 1B
- BBS112S
Basic Business Statistics 1B
- BBS112S
Basic Mathematics
- BMS411S
Basic Mathematics
- BMS411S
Basic Mathematics
- BMS411S
Basic Mathematics
- BMS411S
Basic Science
- BSC410S
Basic Science
- BSC410S
Basic Science
- BSC410S
Basic Science 2
- BSC410S
Basic Science 2
- BSC410S
Biochemistry - Biochemical Principles and Practice
- BPP702S
Biochemistry - Biochemical Principles and Practice
- BPP702S
- BIO801S
- BIO801S
Bioinorganic and Biophysical Chemistry
- BBC811S
Bioinorganic and Biophysical Chemistry
- BBC811S
Biomedical Physics
- BPH702S
Biomedical Physics
- BPH702S
- BIO801S
- BIO801S
Biosynthetic Pathways and Molecular Biology
- BPM821S
Biosynthetic Pathways and Molecular Biology
- BPM821S
- BIO701S
- BIO701S
Calculus 1
- CLS502S
Calculus 1
- CLS502S
Calculus 1
- CLS502S
Calculus 1
- CLS502S
Calculus 2
- CLS601S
Calculus 2
- CLS502S
Calculus 2
- CLS601S
Calculus 2
- CLS601S
Cell Biology
- CEB601S
Cell Biology
- CEB601S
Complex Analysis
- CAN702S
Complex Analysis
- CAN702S
- DEM602S
- DEM602S
Design and Analysis of Experiment
- DAE702S
Design and Analysis of Experiment
- DAE702S
- ECO701S
- ECO701S
Electrical Circuits and Electronics
- ECE602S
Electrical Circuits and Electronics
- ECE602S
Electricity and Magnetism
- EAM601S
Electricity and Magnetism
- EAM601S
Energy and Environment
- EEN701S
Energy and Environment
- EEN701S
Environment Physics
- ENP811S
Environment Physics
- ENP811S
Environmental Biology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
- EBM811S
Environmental Biology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
- EBM811S
Environmental Chemistry
- ENC702S
Environmental Chemistry
- ENC702S
Environmental Industrial and Medical Biotechnology
- EIM821S
Environmental Industrial and Medical Biotechnology
- EIM821S
Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Remediation
- EPM821S
Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Remediation
- EPM821S
Evolution of Biological Diversity
- EBD601S
Evolution of Biological Diversity
- EBD601S
Financial Mathematics 1
- FIM502S
Financial Mathematics 1
- FIM502S
Financial Mathematics 2
- FIM601S
Financial Mathematics 2
- FIM601S
Functional Analysis
- FAN802S
Functional Analysis
- FAN802S
General Biology
- GNB501S
General Biology
- GNB501S
General Biology 1B
- GNB502S
General Biology 1B
- GNB502S
General Chemistry 1A
- GNC501S
General Chemistry 1A
- GNC501S
General Chemistry 1B
- GNC502S
General Chemistry 1B
- GNC502S
General Physics
- GNP501S
General Physics
- GNP501S
General Physics 1B
- GNP502S
General Physics 1B
- GNP502S
- GEN602S
- GEN602S
- GPH701S
- GPH701S
Health Science Physics
- HSP511S
Health Science Physics
- HSP511S
Inorganic Chemistry
- ICH602S
Inorganic Chemistry
- ICH602S
Instrumentation Physics
- ISP811S
Instrumentation Physics
- ISP811S
Introduction Applied to Statistics
- IAS502S
Introduction Applied to Statistics
- IAS502S
Introduction Applied to Statistics
- IAS501S
Introduction Applied to Statistics
- IAS501S
Introduction to Mathematics
- ITM111S
Introduction to Mathematics
- ITM111S
Introduction to Mathematics
- ITM111S
Introduction to Mathematics
- ITM111S
Linear Algebra 1
- LIA502S
Linear Algebra 1
- LIA502S
Linear Algebra 1
- LIA502S
Linear Algebra 1
- LIA502S
Linear Algebra 2
- LIA601S
Linear Algebra 2
- LIA601S
Linear Algebra 2
- LIA601S
Linear Algebra 2
- LIA601S
Marine Biology 3A
- MAB701S
Marine Biology 3A
- MAB701S
Marine Biology 3B
- MAB702S
Marine Biology 3B
- MAB702S
Materials physics
- MAP821S
Materials physics
- MAP821S
Mathematical Economics 1A
- MFE511S
Mathematical Methods in Physics
- MMP701S
Mathematical Methods in Physics
- MMP701S
Mathematical Modeling 2
- MMO702S
Mathematical Modeling 2
- MMO702S
Mathematical Modelling 1
- MMO701S
Mathematical Modelling 1
- MMO701S
Mathematical Programming
- MAP602S
Mathematical Programming
- MAP602S
Mathematical Structures
- MAS501S
Mathematical Structures
- MAS501S
Mathematics and Statistics for Spatial Sciences
- MSS511S
Mathematics and Statistics for Spatial Sciences
- MSS511S
Mathematics for Economists
- MFE512S
Mathematics for Economists
- MFE512S
Mathematics for Economists 1A
- MFE511S
- MCS702S
- MCS702S
Methods in Recombinant DNA Technology
- MRT811S
Methods in Recombinant DNA Technology
- MRT811S
Microbial Systematics and Processes
- MSP811S
Microbial Systematics and Processes
- MSP811S
- MIB701S
- MIB701S
Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Separation Methods
- MSC701S
Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Separation Methods
- MSC701S
Mordern Physics
- MPH602S
Mordern Physics
- MPH602S
Multivariate Analysis
- MVA802S
Multivariate Analysis
- MVA802S
Numerical Methods 1
- NUM701S
Numerical Methods 1
- NUM701S
Numerical Methods 2
- NUM702S
Numerical Methods 2
- NUM702S
Ordinary Differential Equations
- ODE602S
Ordinary Differential Equations
- ODE602S
Organic Chemistry 1
- ORC601S
Organic Chemistry 1
- ORC601S
Organic Chemistry 2
- OCH701S
Organic Chemistry 2
- OCH701S
Partial Differential Equations
- PDE801S
Partial Differential Equations
- PDE801S
Physical Chemistry
- PCH602S
Physical Chemistry
- PCH602S
Plant and Animal Biotechnology
- PAB811S
Plant and Animal Biotechnology
- PAB811S
Plant Structure and Function
- PSF602S
Plant Structure and Function
- PSF602S
Probability Theory 1
- PBT501S
Probability Theory 1
- PBT501S
Probability Theory 1
- PBT501S
Probability Theory 1
- PBT501S
Probability Theory 2
- PBT602S
Probability Theory 2
- PBT602S
Quantitative Methods
- QTM511S
Quantitative Methods
- QTM511S
Quantum Chemistry Spectroscopy
- QCM701S
Quantum Chemistry Spectroscopy
- QCM701S
Quantum Physics
- QPH702S
Quantum Physics
- QPH702S
Real Analysis
- RAN701S
Real Analysis
- RAN701S
Regression Analysis and Analysis of Variance
- RAA602S
Regression Analysis and Analysis of Variance
- RAA602S
Sampling Theory
- SAT802S
Sampling Theory
- SAT802S
Solid State Physics
- SSP701S
Solid State Physics
- SSP701S
Statistical Inference 1
- SIN502S
Statistical Inference 1
- SIN502S
Statistical Inference 2
- SIN601S
Statistical Inference 2
- SIN601S
Statistical Quality Control
- SQC802S
Statistical Quality Control
- SQC802S
Statistics for Economists
- SFE611S
Statistics for Economists
- SFE611S
Statistics for Economists 2B
- SFE612S
Statistics for Economists 2B
- SFE612S
Stochastic Processes
- STP801S
Stochastic Processes
- STP801S
Survey Methods and Sampling Techniques
- SMS701S
Survey Methods and Sampling Techniques
- SMS701S
Synthetic Aspects of Medicinal Chemistry
- SAM821S
Synthetic Aspects of Medicinal Chemistry
- SAM821S
Thermal Physics
- TPH601S
Thermal Physics
- TPH601S
Time Series Analysis
- TSA701S
Time Series Analysis
- TSA701S
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