
Faculty of Health Natural Resources and Applied Sciences (831)
Biology Chemistry and Physics (84)
Advanced Analytical Methods and Chemometrics - AAC811S
Advanced Geophysics - AGE811S
Advanced Organic Chemistry - AOC811S
Advanced Organic Chemistry - AOC811S
Analytical Principles and Practice - APP601S
Analytical Principles and Practice - APP601S
Animal Structure and Function - ASF701S
Animal Structure and Function - ASF701S
Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry - ACS701S
Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry - ACS701S
Basic Science - BSC410S
Basic Science - BSC410S
Basic Science - BSC410S
Biochemistry - Biochemical Principles and Practice - BPP702S
Biochemistry - Biochemical Principles and Practice - BPP702S
Bioinformatics - BIO811S
Bioinformatics - BIO811S
Biomedical Ethics - BPH702S
Biomedical Physics - BPH702S
Biosnynthetic Pathways and Molecular Biology - BPM821S
Biosynthetic Pathways and Molecular Biology - BPM821S
Biotechnology - BIO702S
Biotechnology - BIO702S
Cell Biology - CEB601S
Cell Biology - CEB601S
Ecology - ECO701S
Ecology - ECO701S
Electrical Circuits and Electronics - ECE602S
Electrical Circuits and Electronics - ECE602S
Electricity and Magnetism - EAM601S
Electricity and Magnetism - EAM601S
Electricity and Magnetism - EAM601S
Energy and Environment - EEN701S
Environment Physics - ENP811S
Environmental Biology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management - EBM811S
Environmental Chemistry - ENC702S
Environmental Chemistry - ENC702S
Environmental Industrial and Medical Biotechnology - EIM821S
Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Remediation - EPM821S
Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Remediation - EPM821S
Evolution of Biological Diversity - EBD601S
General Biology 1A - GNB501S
General Biology 1A - GNB501S
General Biology 1B - GNB502S
General Biology 1B - GNB502S
General Chemistry 1A - GNC501S
General Chemistry 1A - GNC501S
General Chemistry 1B - GNC502S
General Chemistry 1B - GNC502S
General Health Physics - GNP501, HSP511S
General Health Physics - GNP501, HSP511S
General Physics 1B - GNP502S
General Physics 1B - GNP502S
Genetics - GEN602S
Genetics - GEN602S
Geophysics - GPH701S
Geophysics - GPH701S
Health Science Physics - HSP511S
Health Science Physics - HSP511S
Instrumental Physics - ISP811S
Marine Biology 3A - MAB701S
Marine Biology 3A - MAB701S
Mathematical Methods in Physics - MMP701S
Mathematical Methods in Physics - MMP701S
Methods in Recombinant DNA Technology - MRT811S
Microbial Systematics and Processes - MSP811S
Microbiology - MIB701S
Microbiology - MIB701S
Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Separation Methods - MSC701S
Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Separation Methods - MSC701S
Organic Chemistry 1 - ORC601S
Organic Chemistry 1 - ORC601S
Organic Chemistry 2 - OCH701S
Organic Chemistry 2 - OCH701S
Physical Chemistry - PCH602S
Physical Chemistry - PCH602S
Plant and Animal Biotechnology - PAB811S
Plant and Animal Biotechnology - PAB811S
Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy - QCM701S
Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy - QCM701S
Solid State Physics - SSP701S
Solid State Physics - SSP701S
Thermal Physics - TPH601S
Thermal Physics - TPH601S