
Cost and Management Accounting for Hospitality and Tourism - CAH610S
Land Economics and Taxation - LET621S
Auditing 202 - AUT621S
Taxation 202 - TAX621S
English Syntax - ESY611S
Basic Business Statistics 1B - BBS112S
Principles of English Language Use - PLU411C
Regression Analysis and ANOVA - RAA602S
Basic Hotel Information Systems - BHI520S
Health Database Management - HDM621S
Business Accounting 1B - BAC1200S
Digital Communication - DCO521S
Administrative Management 2B - AMM621S
Gastro-Intestinal and Endocrine Physiology - GEP521S
Electronic Health Records - EHR621S
Medical Microbiology 2B - MMB621S
Advanced Taxation - ATX812S
General Physics 1B - GNP502S
Agricultural Statistics - AGS520S
Financial Accounting 202 - FAC612S
Haematology 2B - HAM621S
Biochemistry - BIO521S
Cost and Management Accounting for Hospitality and Tourism - CAH610S
Principles of Macroeconomics - PMA512S
Business Information Systems 1B - BIS521S
Food and Meat Hygiene 2B - FMH612S
Rooms Division Operations - RDN520S
Advanced Microbiology - AMB821S
Study of Semantics - SOS721S
Theory and Practice of World Poetry 2B - TPP621S
Database Programing - DPG621S
Water and Sanitation - WAS512S
Advanced Audit - AUD821S
Systems Administration - SAD622S
Marketing in VET B - MVT620S
Industrial Economics - IEC820S
Epidemiology 2B - EPD621S
Food Service Systems - FSS621S
Urban Economics - UEN621S
Professional Writing - PWR611S
Education for Sustainable Development A - ESD620S
Labour Economics - LAE621S
Air Pollution and Noise - APN612S
Auditing 202 - AUT621S
Medical Office Applications 2B - MOA621S
Financial Accounting 102 - FAC512S
Strategic Management and Leadership B - SML620S
Principles and Application of Informatics - PAI621S
Calculus 2 - CLS601S
International Classification of Disease 1A - ICD611S
Communication Networks - CMN620S
Nutrition Anthropology - NNA721S
Communication Theories - COT721S
Introduction Applied to Statistics - IAS501S
Geodesy - ODC721S
Labour Economics - LAE621S
Retail Management - BRM711C
Genetics - GEN602S
African Literature - AFL721S
Programming 1 - PRG510S
Development Economics - DEC712S
Introduction to Curriculum Studies - ICS620S
Business Accounting 1B - BAP521S
Introduction to Valuation - ITV521S
Sampling Theory - SAT802S
Statistics for Economists 2B - SFE612S
International Finance - IFN712S
Statistical Quality Control - SQC802S
Statistical Inference 1 - SIN502S
Occupational Health and Safety 2B - OHS612S
Probability Theory 1 - PBT501S
Councelling and Career Guidance - CCG620S
Psychology of Learning B - PSL620S
Southern African Literature - SAL721S
Cost and Management Accounting 102 - CMA512S
Project Management in VET - PMV630S
Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology - IPP521S
Commercial Law 1A - CML511C
Business Accounting 2B - BAP621S
Introduction to Foods, Nutrition and Health - IFN521S
Housing and Health - HAH521S
Gender Communication - GCO621S
Basic Mathematics - BMS411S
Organisational Communication - OCO521S
Electrical Circuits and Electronics - ECE602S
Industrial Economics - IEC820S
Mechanics - MCS702S
Managerial Finance 320 - MFN710S
Beverage Studies - BVS520S
Administrative Management 1B - AMM521S
Land Tenure Systems - LTS520S
Public Speaking and Argumentation - PSA621S
Web Application Security - WAS621S
Computerised Accounting 301 - CAC710S
Statistical Inference 2 - SIN601S
Principles of Language Use - PLU411S
Intermediate Macroeconomics - IMA612S
Community Health Promotion - CHP521S
Demography - DEM602S
Language Policy and Planning - LPP821S
Principles of Macroeconomics - PMA512S
Basic Business Statistics - BBS611C
International Finance - IFN712S
Advanced Microeconomics - AME820S
Systems Analysis and Design - SAD621S
Business Accounting 1B - BAC1200S
Business Accounting 1B - BAC611C
Food Processing and Preservation - FPC721S
Pragmatics - PRG721S
Management of TVET - MTV620S
Children's Literature - CHL821S
Commercial Law 1A - CML511C
Culinary Arts 2 Advanced Hot Kitchen - CAK620S
General Chemistry 1B - GNC502S
Functional Analysis - FAN802S
Introduction to Marketing and ITS Environment - IME511C
Human Nutrition 2 - HTN721S
Second Language Acquisition - SLA721S
Financial Accounting 101 - FAC511S
Food Composition and Analysis - FCA621S
Financial Accounting 102 - FAC512S
Introduction to Accounting - ITA412S
Economic Development of Tourism - EDT520S
Introduction to Mathematics - ITM511C
Business Information Systems 2B - BIS621S
Financial Accounting 320 - GFA712S
Public Health Legislation 2B - PHL612S
Introduction to Survey and Mapping - ISM520S
Economics of Namibia and SACU Countries - ENS612S
Constractive Linguistics - CTL821S
Applied Operations Research - AOR802S
System Audit - SAU620S
Computer Organisation and Architecture - COA511S
Cost and Management Accounting for Hospitality and Tourism - CMA512S
Maternal and Early Childhood Nutrition - MCN621S
Basic Pathophysiology - BPP521S
Data Analytics - DTA621S
Linear Algebra 1 - LIA502S
English for Academic Purposes - EAP511S
Multivariate Analysis - MVA802S
Cost and Management Accounting 202 - CMA612S
Geographic Information Systems 1 - GES512S
Tourism Information Systems - TIS520S
Environmental Industrial and Medical Biotechnology - EIM821S
Basic Business Statistics - BBS611C
Education for Sustainable Development B - ESB620S
Biomedical Ethics - BPH702S
Mathematical Modelling 2 - MMO702S
Building Construction - BCS512S
Biosnynthetic Pathways and Molecular Biology - BPM821S
Public Relations Theory and Practice - PRT721S
English in Practice - EPR511S
Advanced Audit - AUD821S
Literary Prose - LTP621S
Mathematical Economics - MEC721S
Business Information Systems 3B - BIS721S
Cost and Management Accounting 202 - CMA612S
Calculus 1 - CLS502S
Legal Ethics Issues in Communication - LEC721S
Computerised Accounting 301 - CAC710S
Propaganda and Persuasion - PAP721S
Financial Accounting 101 - FAC511S
Wireless Technologies - WLT620S
Linear Algebra 2 - LIA601S
Introduction to Mathematics - ITM111S
Anatomical Pathology 2B - ANP621S
Financial Accounting 320 - GFA712S
Food Chemistry - FCH621S
Molecular Diagnostics - MOD621S
Introduction to Literature 1B - ILT521S
Microbiology and Parasitology - MAP512S
Linux Systems Administration - LSA721S
Programming for Security Personnel - PRS821S
Quality Management Systems - QMS620S
Immunology - IMY521S
Design and Analysis of Experiment - DAE702S
Complex Analysis - CAN702S
Housing and Health - HAH521S
Business Accounting 1A - BAC511C
Professional Communication - PCO611S
Ordinary Differential Equations - ODE602S
Budget and Asset Management - BMT620S
Environmental Chemistry - ENC702S
Distributed Systems and Applications - DSA612S
Mathematics for Economists 1B - MFE512S
General Biology 1B - GNB502S
Mathematical Economics - MEC721S
Biochemistry - Biochemical Principles and Practice - BPP702S
Web Development Fundamentals - WDF521S
Retail Management - BRM711C
Medical Information Systems 2B - MIS621S
Business Accounting 1A - BAC511C
Intercultural Communication - ICC511S
Advanced Macroeconomics - AME820S
Security Analytics - SAS821S
Legislation and Ethics in Health Information Management - LET521S
Introduction to Business Management - IBM511C
Ethics for Computing - EFC621S
Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Remediation - EPM821S
Taxation 202 - TAX621S
Foundations of Health Information Management - FOH521S
Introduction to Accounting - ITA412S
Mediation Communication - MCM721S
Introduction to Business Management - IBM511C
Managerial Finance 320 - MFN710S
Applied Econometric Modelling - AEM702S
Financial Mathematics 1 - FIM502S
Financial Accounting 202 - FAC612S
Business Analysis and Process Management - BAP620S
Economics of Namibia and SACU Countries - ENS612S
Intermediate Macroeconomics - IMA612S
Namibian Literature - NLI521S
Public Speaking and Argumentation - PSA621S
Basic Science - BSC410S
Business Applications 3 - BAP721S
Clinical Chemistry 2B - CLC621S
Management Communication - MCO721S
Advanced Taxation - ATX812S
Management of Organisational Development and Learning - MOD620S
Business Accounting 1B - BAC611C
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems - ERP720S
Human Resource Management For Hospitality and Tourism - HRH610S
Healthcare Delivery Systems - HDS621S
Biotechnology - BIO702S
Literary Criticism - LRC621S
Data Science and Analytics - DSA822S
Fundamentals of Logistics Management - FLM511C
Health Information Management - HIM621S
Distributed Systems - DTS620S
Business Management Information Systems - BMC511S
Mathematical Programming - MAP602S
Introduction to Biochemistry - IBC521S
Administrative Management 3 - AMM721S
Cell and Molecular Biology - CMB521S
Development Economics - DEC712S
Data Structures and Algorithms 1 - DSA521S
Psychology of Learning A - PSL510S
Probability Theory 2 - PBT602S
Organisational Development and Change - ODC711S
Applied Numerical Analysis - ANA801S
Operations Research - ORC711S
Mathematics and Statistics for Spatial Sciences - MSS511S
Principles of Microeconomics - PMI511S
Advanced Calculus - ADC801S
Plant Protection - PPT610S
Clinical Chemistry 3 - CLC711S
Labour Relations Practice - LRP812S
Buisness Ethics - BBE621C
Cultural and Natural Heritage Management - CNH710S
Computerised Accounting 301 - CAC710S
Geographic Information Systems 1 - GES512S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry - SLH611S
Clinical Chemistry 2A - CLC611S
Quality Management in Hospitality and Tourism - QHT710S
Advanced Management Accounting - AMA811S
Advanced Microeconomics - AMI810S
Crop Production - CPN610S
Principles of English Language Use - PLU411S
Basic Business Statistics 1A - BBS111S
Introduction to Supply Chain Management - ISM511C
Financial Accounting and Reporting - FAR811S
Financial Accounting 310 - GFA711S
Human Resource Management in TVET - HRV610S
Survey Methods and Sampling Techniques - SMS701S
Plant Studies 2 - PTS710S
GIS and Remote Sensing in Practice - GRS811S
Artificial Intelligence - ARI711S
Cadastral Surveying 1 - CAS520S
Bioinformatics - BIO811S
Applied Econometrics - AEM810S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry - SRH611S
Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences - IML511S
Organisational Behaviour - OSB611S
Property Development and Marketing - PDM611S
Cadastral Surveying 2 - CAS610S
Quantitative Methods - QTM511S
Basic Science - BSC410S
Applied Statistics and Probability for IT - ASP610S, ASP611S
Rangeland Ecology - RGE811S
Organic Chemistry 1 - ORC601S
Animal Structure and Function - ASF701S
Mechanical Metallurgy - MMY820S
Medical Information Systems 2A - MOA611S
Rangeland Regeneration - RRG611S
Real Analysis - RAN701S
Internet and WAN Telecommunication - IWT711S
Pyrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals - PNM710S
Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics - GRE811S
Quality Management Systems in VET - QMS610S
Advanced Cold Kitchen - ACK710S
General Chemistry 1A - GNC501S
Hospitality and Tourism Marketing - HTM610S
Strategic Management in Hospitality and Tourism - SMH810S
Strategic Human Resource Management - SHR811S
Mineral Separation Process 314 - MPC711S
Heat Treatment of Metals 414 - HTM811S
Property Maintenance - PMT611S
Culinary Arts 1 Pastry Bakery and Desserts - CAP610S
Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Separation Methods - MSC701S
Plant and Animal Biotechnology - PAB811S
Advanced Industrial Relations - ADR811S
Leading and Managing Projects - LMP721C
Business Ethics - BEC610S
Introduction to Business Management - BMI511S
Water and Wetland Resources Management - WWR711S
Linear Algebra 1 - LIA502S
Mathematical Structures - MAS501S
Digital Forensics Management - DFM811S
Strategic Management and Leadership A - SML610S
Administrative Management 2A - AMM611S
Advanced Organic Chemistry - AOC811S
Database Administration - DBA721S
Statistics for Economists 2A - SFE611S
Foundations of Tourism and Hospitality - FTH510S
Under Ground Mining 315 - UDM711S
Principles of Production Economics - PPE611S
Analytical Principles and Practice - APP601S
Marine Biology 3A - MAB701S
General Health Physics - GNP501, HSP511S
Auditing 301 - GAU711S
Medical Information Systems 2A - MIS611Sdf
Conservation Biology - CSB810S
Professional Communication - PCO611S
Phase Diagram and Formatting Processes 314 - PDF711S
Tourism Geography - TGE510S
Reflective Teaching and Practice - RTP610S
Operational Logistics Management - OLM611C
Strategic Marketing and Innovation - SMI810S
Plant Physiology - PTP610S
Management Accounting 310 - GMA711S
Financial Management for Hospitality and Tourism - FMH810S
Basic Organisational Psychology - BOP511S
Administrative Management 1A - AMM511S
Introduction to Education, Training and Development - ETD711S
Managing Employee Performance - MEP711S
Numerical Methods - NUM701S
Advance Project Management - APM811S
Capacity Building and Talent Management - CBT811S
Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy - QCM701S
Financial Accounting 201 - FAC611S
Safety Security and First Aid - SSF510S
Advanced Intrusion and Log Analysis - AIL811S
Foundations of Customer Service - FCS510S
Introduction Applied to Statistics - IAS501S
Remote Sensing 1 - RES511S
Professional Development and Practice - PDP610S
Business Information Systems 1A - BIS511S
Geodemographics - GDG621S
Biostatistics - BIO801S
Calculus 2 - CLS601S
Tourism Destination Management - TDM620S
SME Management - BEM711S
Calculus 1 - CLS502S
Haematology 3 - HAM711S
Taxation 310 - GTA711S
Food and Beverage Operations - FBO510S
Microbiology - MIB701S
Biology for Natural Sciences - BNS511S
Econometrics - ECM712S
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Accounting - IHA521S
Rooms Division Management - RDM710S
Marketing Principles - MPS521C
Fundamentals of Assessment and Moderation - FTA510S
Thermal Physics - TPH601S
Rock Mechanics - RMC711S
Probability Theory 1 - PBT501S
English in Practice - EPR511C
Geophysics - GPH701S
Cell Biology - CEB601S
Kitchen Management - KMT710S
Applied Cryptography - APC811S
Health Science Physics - HSP511S
Professional Writing - PWR611S
Food and Beverage Management - FBM710S
Business Applications 1A - BAP511S
International Trade - INT711S
English for Academic Purposes - EAP511S
English in Practice - EPR511S
Principles and Methods of Valuation - PMV611S
Data Networks - DTN611S
SME Support - SES821S
Solid State Physics - SSP701S
Software Process - SPS611S
Health Science Statistics - HSS511S
Management and Leadership - MAL811S
Linear Algebra - LIA601S
Policy Development - PDT610S
Mobile and Cloud Forensics - MCF811S
Global Business Management - GBM811S
Corrosion Engineering 414 - CEN810S
Rangeland Ecology and Management - REM611S
Surface Mining 315 - SUM710S
Basic Mathematics - BMS411S
Money and Banking - MAB611S
History of TVET - HTV510S
Food Safety Management - FSM610S
Data Structures and Algorithms 2 - DSA711S
Principles of Microeconomics - PMI511S
Time Series Analysis - TSA701S
Conservation Ecology 1 - CSE511S
Evolution of Biological Diversity - EBD601S
Haematology 2A - HAM611S
Marketing in VET - MVT610S
Introduction to Mathematics - ITM111S
Intermediate Microeconomics - IMI611S
Data and Web Mining - DWM710S
Fuel Furnaces and Refractories - FFR820S
Health Science Chemistry - HSC511S
Process Plant Design and Economics 315 - PPD710S
Stochastic Processes - STP801S
Business Information Systems 2A - BIS611S
Operations Management - OPM611S
Introduction to Computing - ICG511S
Systems Thinking - BST611S
Financial Accounting 102 - FAC511S
Business Accounting 1A - BAC1100S
Computer Forensics - CFR712S
Database Fundamentals - DBF510S
Mathematical Modeling 1 - MMO701S
Introduction to Geospatial Data - IGD411S
Commercial Law 1B - CML512C
Economics of Acgriculture - EOA611S
Fares and Ticketing Operations - FST720S
Conflict Management - CMV620S
Introduction to Economics - INT411S
Anatomical Pathology 2A - ANP611S
Organic Chemistry 2 - OCH701S
Operating Systems Security - OSS711S
Medical Microbiology 3 - MMB711S
English for Academic Purposes - EAP521C
Purchasing Management - PSM611S
Operating Systems - OPS611S
Public Finance - PFN712S
Hydrometallurgy 314 - HMT710S
System Virtualisation - SVT710S
Cost and Management Accounting 201 - CMA611S
Mine and Resource Enginnering Man 414 - MRE810S
Ethics for Computing - EFC621S
Basic Surveying - BSV521S
Secure Systems - SSS811S
Mathematics for Economists 1A - MFE511S
Hospitality Property and Facility Management - HPM710S
General Biology 1A - GNB501S
Electricity and Magnetism - EAM601S
Algebra and Trigonometry - AAT501S
Mine Planning and Design 415 - MPD811S
Classroom and Workshop Management - CWM510S
Labour Relations Theory - LRT811S
Geoinfomration Management - GMN621S
Financial Mathematics 2 - FIM601S
Applied Spatial Statistics - ASS801S
Physical Chemistry - PCH602S
Introduction to Chemistry - ICA511S
Geostatistics - GSS721S
Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry - ACS701S
Medical Laboratory Management - MLM711S
Mathematical Methods in Physics - MMP701S
Food Production Theory - FPT510S
Mobile Networks and Architectures - MNA810S
Data Analytics - DTA621S
Business Application 2A - BAP611S
Data Science and Analytics - DSA821S
Basic Spanish - BAS111S
Broadband Networks - BBN810S
Ecology - ECO701S
Business Accounting 2B - BAC621C
Professional Writing - PWR611S
Cultural and Natural Heritage Management - CNH710S
Professional Development and Practice - PDP610S
Financial Management for Hospitality and Tourism - FMH810S
Financial Mathematics 2 - FIM601S
Advanced Cold Kitchen - ACK710S
Rooms Division Management - RDM710S
Energy and Environment - EEN701S
Media Law - MDL611S
Applied Cryptography - APC811S
Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Development - NRS711S
General Chemistry 1A - GNC501S
Medical Microbiology 2A - MMB611S
Basic Mathematics - BMS411S
Introduction to Economics - ITE411S
History of TVET - HTV510S
Mathematical Structures - MAS501S
Fuel Furnaces and Refractories - FFR820S
Ecology - ECO701S
Phase Diagram and Formatting Processes 314 - PDF711S
Global Business Management - GBM811S
SME Management - BEM711S
Biostatistics - BIO801S
Cadastral Surveying 2 - CAS610S
Capacity Building and Talent Management - CBT811S
Advanced Analytical Methods and Chemometrics - AAC811S
Econometrics - ECM712S
Broadband Networks - BBN810S
Hospitality and Tourism Marketing - HTM610S
Hospitality Property and Facility Management - HPM710S
Partial Differential Equations - PDE801S
Multimedia Applications - MMA710S
Data Analytics - DTA621S
Environmental Planning - EVP510S
Hydrometallurgy 314 - HMT710S
Tourism Destination Management - TDM620S
Introdction to General Biology - IBI511S
Organisation Management - OPM611S
Systems Thinking - BST611S
Sustainable Small Ruminant Husbandry - SRH611S
Plant and Animal Biotechnology - PAB811S
Rock Mechanics - RMC711S
Real Analysis - RAN701S
Money and Banking - MAB611S
Sustainable Large Ruminant Husbandry - SLH611S
Food and Beverage Management - FBO510S
Advanced Industrial Relations - ADR811S
Principles of English Language Use - PLU411S
Mobile and Cloud Forensics - MCF811S
Quality Management Systems in VET - QMS610S
Introduction to Geospatial Data - IGD411S
Labour Relations Theory - LRT811S
Fundamentals of Assessment and Moderation - FTA510S
Mechanical Metallurgy - MMY820S
Strategic Human Resource Management - SHR811S
Strategic Management and Leadership A - SML610S
Plant Protection - PPN610S
Algebra and Trigonometry - AAT501S
Information System Audit - ISA822S
Methods in Recombinant DNA Technology - MRT811S
Planning Theory 1 - PTY510S
Agricultural Mechanisation - AMC520S
Clinical Chemistry 2A - CLC611S
Medical Laboratory Management - MLM711S
Crop Production - CPN610S
Introduction to Supply Chain Management - ISM511C
Management and Leadership - MAL811S
Business Applications 1A - BAP511S
Quality Management in Hospitality and Tourism - QHT710S
Pyrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals - PNM710S
Instrumental Physics - ISP811S
Water and Wetland Resources Management - WWR711S
Mineral Economics and Financial Valuation - MEF811S
Conflict Management - CMV620S
Business Accounting 1B - BAC512C
Mathematics for Agribusiness - MTA611S
Health Sciences Statistics - HSS511S
National Resource Management - NRM511S
Integrated Clinical Pathology - ICP811S
Public Finance - PFN712S
Leading and Managing Projects - LMP721C
Physical Chemistry - PCH602S
English for Academic Purposes - EAP511S
Numerical Methods - NUM701S
Economics of Acgriculture - EOA611S
Rangeland Ecology and Management - REM611S
Probability Theory 2 - PBT602S
General Health Physics - GNP501, HSP511S
Geostatistics - GSS721S
Plant Physiology - PTP610S
Introduction to Computing - ICG511S
Biology for Natural Sciences - BNS511S
Applied Regional and Rural Economic Development - ARR710S
Integrated Water and Wetland Management - IWW821S
Organisation Development and Change - ODC711S
Managing Employee Performance - MEP711S
Process Plant Design and Economics 315 - PPD710S
International Trade - INT711S
Cost and Management Accounting 201 - CMA611S
Remote Sensing 1 - RES511S
Administrative Management 1A - AMM511S
Time Series Analysis - TSA701S
Bioinformatics - BIO811S
Research Methods for Natural Sciences - RMC811S
Organic Chemistry 2 - OCH701S
Advanced Calculus - ADC801S
Demography and Population Studies - DPS610S
Reflective Teaching and Practice - RTP610S
Applied Econometrics - AEM810S
Principles of English Language Use - PLU411S
Computer Forensics - CFR712S
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems - ERP720S
Food Production Theory - FPT510S
Electricity and Magnetism - EAM601S
Organic Chemistry 1 - ORC601S
Basic Spanish - BAS111S
Business Management Information Systems - BMC511S
Fares and Ticketing Operations - FST720S
Stochastic Processes - STP801S
Property Development and Marketing - PDM611S
Principles and Methods of Valuation - PMV611S
Environmental Biology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management - EBM811S
Secure Systems - SSS811S
Conservation Ecology 1 - CSE511S
Professional Communication - PCO611S
Mineral Economics and Financial Valuation - MEF811S
Classroom and Workshop Management - CWM510S
Mathematics and Statistics for Spatial Sciences - MSS511S
Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Separation Methods - MSC701S
Digital Forensics Management - DFM811S
Basic Organisational Psychology - BOP511S
English in Practice - EPR511S
Foundations of Customer Service - FCS510S
Marketing in VET - MVT610S
English in Practice - EPR511S
English for Academic Purposes - EAP511S
Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry - ACS701S
Marketing Principles - MPS521C
Introduction Applied to Statistics - IAS501S
Safety Security and First Aid - SSF510S
Medical Information Systems 2A - MIS611S
Advanced Geophysics - AGE811S
Mineral Separation Process 314 - MPC711S
Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy - QCM701S
Business Information Systems 2A - BIS611S
Animal Structure and Function - ASF701S
Corrosion Engineering 414 - CEN810S
Data Networks - DTN611S
Management Accounting 310 - GMA711S
Culinary Arts 1 Pastry Bakery and Desserts - CAP610S
Under Ground Mining 315 - UDM711S
Operating Systems Security - OSS711S
Rural Livelihoods and Community Development - RLC620S
Financial Economics - FEO810S
Operations Research - ORC711S
Psychology of Learning A - PSL510S
Cell Biology - CEB601S
Geophysics - GPH701S
Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences - IML511S
Financial Accounting 310 - GFA711S
Database Administration - DBA721S
General Biology 1A - GNB501S
Rangeland Ecology - RGE811S
Mathematical Modeling 1 - MMO701S
Comparative African Cities - CAC610S
Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management - ILP510S
Surface Mining 315 - SUM710S
Land Use Planning 2 - LUP610S
Buisness Ethics - BBE621C
GIS and Remote Sensing in Practice - GRS811S
Medical Microbiology 3 - MMB711S
Geographic Information Systems 1 - GES512S
Linear Algebra - LIA601S
Marine Biology 3A - MAB701S
Property Maintenance - PMT611S
SME Support - SES821S
Organisational Behaviour - OSB611S
Enterprise Architecture - EAT810S
Introduction to Mathematics - ITM111S
Applied Statistics and Probability for IT - ASP610S, ASP611S
Rangeland Regeneration - RRG611S
Microbiology - MIB701S
Mine and Resource Enginnering Man 414 - MRE810S
Anatomical Pathology 2A - ANP611S
Geodemographics - GDG621S
Introduction to Business Management - BMI511S
Financial Accounting 101 - FAC511S
Advanced Organic Chemistry - AOC811S
Mathematics for Economists 1A - MFE511S
Planning for Housing - PNH610S
Business Accounting 2A - BAP611S
Ethics for Computing - EFC621S
Software Process - SPS611S
Food and Beverage Management - FBM710S
Plant Studies 2 - PTS710S
Integrated Water and Wetland Management - IWW821S
Database Fundamentals - DBF510S
Business Ethics - BEC610S
Strategic Marketing and Innovation - SMI810S
Heat Treatment of Metals 414 - HTM811S
Computerised Accounting 301 - CAC710S
Business Accounting 2B - BAC621C
Quantitative Methods - QTM511S
System Virtualisation - SVT710S
Electricity and Magnetism - EAM601S
Linear Algebra 1 - LIA502S
Basic Surveying - BSV521S
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Accounting - IHA521S
Financial Accounting 201 - FAC611S
Survey Methods and Sampling Techniques - SMS701S
Applied Numerical Analysis - ANA801S
Business Accounting 1B - BAC512C
Health Science Physics - HSP511S
Solid State Physics - SSP701S
Principles of Production Economics - PPE611S
Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics - GRE811S
Introduction to Chemistry - ICA511S
Purchasing Management - PSM611S
Policy Development - PDT610S
Foundations of Tourism and Hospitality - FTH510S
Kitchen Management - KMT710S
Data Science and Analytics - DSA821S
Cadastral Surveying 1 - CAS520S
Operational Logistics Management - OLM611C
Conservation Biology - CSB810S
Food Safety Management - FSM610S
Haematology - HAM611S
Data and Web Mining - DWM710S
Geoinfomration Management - GMN621S
Strategic Management in Hospitality and Tourism - SMH810S
Operating Systems - OPS611S
Auditing 301 - GAU711S
Business Information Systems 1A - BIS511S
Commercial Law 1B - CML512C
Labour Relations Practice - LRP812S
Environment Physics - ENP811S
Administrative Management 2A - AMM611S
Human Resource Management in TVET - HRV610S
Mine Planning and Design 415 - MPD811S
Medical Information Systems 2A - MOA611S
Calculus 2 - CLS601S
Tourism Geography - TGE510S
Internet and WAN Telecommunication - IWT711S
Intermediate Microeconomics - IMI611S
Applied Spatial Planning - ASP720S
Mathematical Methods in Physics - MMP701S
Mobile Networks and Architectures - MNA810S
Civil Engineering for Planning - CEP610S
Principles and Application of Informatics - PAI621S
Data Structures and Algorithms 2 - DSA711S
Advanced Intrusion and Log Analysis - AIL811S
Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting - FAR811S
Analytical Principles and Practice - APP601S
Research Methods for Natural Sciences - RMC811S
Taxation 310 - GTA711S
Information System Strategy and Governance - ISG711S
Advance Project Management - APM811S
Artificial Intelligence - ARI711S
Advanced Microeconomics - AMI810S
Microbial Systematics and Processes - MSP811S
Health Science Chemistry - HSC511S
Thermal Physics - TPH601S
Food and Meat Hygiene 2B - FMH621S
Business Process and Quality Management - BPQ712S
Transport Operations and Costing - TOC621S
Agribusiness Management - ABM720S
Urban Economics - UEN621S
Education for Sustainable Development A - ESD620S
Introduction to Mathematics - ITM111S
Financial Management for Agriculture - FMA721S
Intercultural Communication - ICC521S
Principles and Application of Informatics - PAI621S
Applied Operations Research - AOR802S
Medical Microbiology 2B - MMB621S
Mathematical Programming - MAP602S
Namibian Literature - NLI521S
Enterprise Systems Management - ESM821S
Strategic Management and Leadership B - SML620S
Introduction to Foods, Nutrition and Health - IFN521S
Regression Analysis and Analysis of Variance - RAA602S
Mechanics - MCS702S
Introduction to Curriculum Studies - ICS620S
Introduction to Chemistry B - ICH402S
Zoology 1 - ZLY520S
Web Application Security - WAS621S
Web Development Fundamentals - WDF521S
Applied Econometric Modelling - AEM702S
Human Resource Management - HRH610S
Basic Spanish 1B - BAS112S
Community Health Promotion - CHP521S
General Biology 1B - GNB502S
Local Economic Development - LED520S
Management Consulting - MCG812S
Environmental Chemistry - ENC702S
Ordinary Differential Equations - ODE602S
Sales and Operations Management - SOT612S
Database Programing Practical - DPG621S
Environment and Humanitarian Logistics - EHL621S
Business Finance - BBF612S
Zoology 2 - ZLY621S
Business Information Systems 1B - BIS521S
Tourism Information Systems - TIS620S
Wildlife Monitoring and Handling - WMH620S
Forwarding and Shipping Management - FSM621S
Propaganda and Persuasion - PAP721S
Communication Networks - CMN620S
Economics of Trade - ECT721S
Applied Fruit Production - AFP720S
Basic Hotel Information Systems - BHI520S
The Study of Semantics - SOS721S
Linear Algebra 1 - LIA502S
Demography - DEM602S
Councelling and Career Guidance - CCG620S
Occupational Health and Safety 2B - OHS612S
Human Resource Metrics - HRM812S
Biochemistry - Biochemical Principles and Practice - BPP702S
Inorganic Chemistry - ICH602S
Wireless Technologies - WLT620S
Haematology 2B - HAM621S
Agroecology - AGE721S
Management Communication - MCO721S
Environmental Industrial and Medical Biotechnology - EIM821S
General Physics 1B - GNP502S
Business Accounting for Informatics - BAI620S
Rooms Division Operations - RDN520S
Postharvest Physiology and Technology - PPT720S
Statistical Quality Control - SQC802S
Management of Organisational Development and Learning - MOD620S
Business Research Practice - BRP612S
Career Management and Development - CMD812S
Cost and Management Accounting - Hospitality and Tourism - CAH610S
Pragmatics - PRG721S
System Administration - SAD622S
Introduction to Literature 1B - ILT521S
Biotechnology - BIO701S
Soil Science - SSA520S
Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Agriculture - GRS62S1
Marketing in VET B - MVT620S
Clinical Chemistry 2B - CLC621S
Probability Theory 1 - PBT501S
Introduction Applied to Statistics - IAS502S
System Audit - SAU620S
Immunology - IMY521S
Materials physics - MAP821S
Transport Policy and Planning - TTP521S
Education for Sustainable Development B - ESB620S
Labour Law 1B - LAL112S
Financial Techniques for Logistics Management Operations - FTL821S
Building Construction and Services - BCS520S
Children's Literature - CHL821S
Cell Molecular Biology - CMB521S
Molecular Diagnostics - MOD621S
Quantum Physics - QPH702S
English in Practice - EPR511S
Basic Research Methodology - BRM622S
Professional Writing - PWR611S
Public Speaking and Argumentation - PSA621S
Agricultural Extension - AGX620S
Biosynthetic Pathways and Molecular Biology - BPM821S
Plant Structure and Function - PSF602S
Biochemistry - Introduction to Biochemistry - BIO521S, IBC521S
Administrative Management 2B - AMM621S
Synthetic Aspects of Medicinal Chemistry - SAM821S
Statistical Inference 1 - SIN502S
Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology - IPP521S
Foundations of Health Information Management - FOH521S
Financial Mathematics 1 - FIM502S
Business Accounting 1B - BAP521S
Marine Biology 3B - MAB702S
Mordern Physics - MPH602S
Calculus 1 - CLS502S
Food Processing and Preservation - FPC721S
Environmental Management Principles - EMP721S
Immunohaematology - IMH621S
Management of TVET - MTV620S
Research Methodology - RME620S
Biomedical Physics - BPH702S
Settlement History and Planning Theory - SHP621S
Genetics - GEN602S
Rangeland Ecology - RGE521S
Principles and Guidelines for Layout Planning - PLP621S
Quality Management Systems and Quality Assurance - QMS620S
Business Applications 3 - BAP721S
Language Policy and Planning - LPP821S
Marketing Principles - MPM512S
Electrical Circuits and Electronics - ECE602S
Literary Criticism - LRC621S
Community Resource Management - CRM820S
Advanced Organisational Development and Change - ADC812S
Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Remediation - EPM821S
Distributed Systems and Applications - DSA621S
Project Management in Sport - PMS621S
Food Service Systems - FSS621S
Conservation Ecology 3 - CSE721S
Enterprise Web Application Development - EWD621S
Human Nutrition 2 - HT1721S
International Disease Classification and Coding - ICD621S
Distributed Systems - DTS620S
Animal Health - ANH620S
Systems Analysis and Design - SAD621S
Organisational Communication - OCO521S
Sustainable Settlement Planning - SSP720S
Linear Algebra 2 - LIA601S
Project Management - PMV630S
Industrial Relations - IRL712S
Mediation Communication - MCM721S
Legal and Ethical Issues in Communication - LEC721S
Literary Prose - LTP621S
Water and Sanitation - WAS512S
Administrative Management 1B - AMM521S
Development Policies and Process - DPP720S
Mathematical Modeling 2 - MMO702S
Maritime and Air Transport Infrastructure Consideration - MTS621S
Basic Pathophysiology - BPP521S
English Syntax - ESY611S
Administrative Management 3 - AMM721S
Design and Analysis of Experiment - DAE702S
Integrated Environment Management - INM821S
Forecasting and Data Analysis - FDA621S
Environmental and Natural Resources Economics - ENR721S
Public Relations Theory and Practice - PRT721S
Business Applications 2B - BAP621S
Data Structures and Algorithms 1 - DSA521S
Basic Mathematics - BMS411S
Physical Chemistry - PCH602S
Food Chemistry - FCH621S
Agricultural Statistics - AGS520S
Strategic Procurement Management - SPM802S
Leadership and Project Management - LPM802S
Financial Management for Nature Conservation - FMG620S
Budget and Asset Management - BMT620S
Numerical Methods 2 - NUM702S
Culinary Arts 2 Advanced Hot Kitchen - CAK620S
Second Language Acquisition - SLA721S
Functional Analysis - FAN802S
Advanced Microbiology - AMB821S
Maternal and Early Childhood Nutrition - MCN621S
Institutional and Regulatory Framework - IRF620S
Agricultural Policy and Rural Development - APD721S
Introduction to Valuation - ITV521S
Southern African Literature - SAL721S
Tourism Economic Development - EDT520S
Health Information Management - HIM621S
Statistical Inference 2 - SIN601S
Forest Management - FMG821S
Digital Communication - DCO521S
General Chemistry 1B - GNC502S
Statistics for Economists 2B - SFE612S
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems - ERP720S
Sampling Theory - SAT802S
Basic Science - BSC410S
Medical Information Systems 2B - MIS621S
Compensation Management - CMA812S
Rural Development Tools and Techniques - RDT620S
Medical Information Systems 2B - MOA621S
Sustainable Non-Ruminant Husbandry - SNH611S
Gender Communication - GCO621S
Gastro-Intestinal and Endocrine Physiology - GEP521S
Business Information Systems 2B - BIS621S
Environmental Education and Extension - EEE621S
Microbiology and Parasitology - MAP512S
Beverage Studies - BVS520S
Community Conversation and Protected Area Management - CCP621S
Basic Business Statistics 1B - BBS112S
Product Pricing Management - PPM712S
Contract and Performance Management - CPM521S
Epidemiology 2B - EPD612S
African Literature - AFL721S
Housing and Health - HAH521S
Land Economics - LEM621S
Basic Econometrics for Agriculture - BEA611S
Psychology of Learning B - PSL620S
Food Composition and Analysis - FCA621S
Policy Development - PDT610S
Multivariate Analysis - MVA802S
Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Events - MIO620S
Professional Communication - PCO611S
Principles of English Language Use - PLU411S
English for Academic Purposes - EAP511S
Security Analytics - SAS821S
Sustainable Crop Production - SCP621S
Introduction to Society and Planning - ISP620S
Integrated Environment Management - IEM621S
Database Programming Theory - DPG621S
Geographic Information Systems 1 - GES512S
Crop Ecophysiology - CEY720S
Conversation Ecology 2 - CSE621S
Mathematics for Economists - MFE512S
Probability Theory 2 - PRG620S
Legislation and Ethics in Health Information Management - LET521S
Electronic Health Records - EHR621S
SME Projects - BEP712S
Human Resource Fundamentals - HRF512S
SME Strategy and Leadership - BSL712S
Theory and Practice of World Poetry 1A - TPP621S
Land Tenure Systems - LTS520S
Computer Organisation and Architecture - COA511S
Complex Analysis - CAN702S
Plant Studies - PTS62S
Statistics for Regional Planners - SRP520S
Public Health Legislation 2B - PHL612S
Database Administration - DBA712S
Calculus 2 - CLS601S
Business Information Systems 3 - BIS721S
Anatomical Pathology 2B - ANP621S