3.1 Countries may opt to practice one of the four major economic systems. Namibia makes use of a
market economic system. Discussthree (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of the market
economy system.
3.2 Discussfive (5) characteristics of the communist economic system.
3.3 National symbols are very important in the promotion of national identify of a country. List any
four (4) common official national symbols.
3.4 The order of precedence is concerned with ensuring that such seniority is observed where it is due.
Discuss five ways where the order of precedence can be practice when people gather. (5)
Mario Shilongo wants to start his own sole trader named Mario's Baber Shop in the area where he
resides. He has learned that you are an Administrative Management 18 student at NUST and wants to
find out from you what are the five (5) disadvantages of starting a sole trader.
4.2 Define the concept an "Entrepreneur "and illustrate with a suitable example.
You work at Telecom Namibia and your manager is Prof S Nambira. He has informed you that he has been
selected as part of a delegation of ten members which will be hosting an international delegation of VIP's
from the University of Helsinki in Finland. As his Personal Assistant you must see to it that all the necessary
arrangements for example booking of accommodation, car rentals, flight bookings etc are done well in
advance. Answer the questions that follow based on the scenario given. Date of arrival is 15 November
2022 at 18:00, Departure 25 November 2022 at 12:30. Delegation will be staying at the Hilton hotel while
in Windhoek and at the Strand Hotel while in Swakopmund.
5.1 Distinguish clearly in a table form the differences between domestic travel and international
5.2 As Prof S Nambira's personal assistant, discuss what any five (5) of your responsibilities will be
during your manager's absence.
5.3 Discuss the concept a "travel agent" and indicate what type of assistance or service do they
provide to travellers.