Faculty of Commerce, Human Science and Education
Department of Communications
DCO521S: Digital Communication
Regular Examinations
October/November 2022
Instructions: Answer all questions under Section A and choose only ONE question in Section B.
Question 1:
a. Describe the process of content development
[5 marks]
b. Identify 5 key uses of social media by an organization
[5 marks]
c. Discuss ethical implications to be taken in cognizance in Digital Communications [5 marks]
Question 2:
a. Describe the features and use of Instant messaging
b. Discuss 5 key steps in Audience Development
c. Describe the functions of managing and maintaining a website
[5 marks]
[10 marks]
[5 marks]
Question 3:
a. Discussthe role of Academia in the governance of the internet
b. Identify the use of the internet in Communication
c. Explain what is a website and its key functions
d. Explain how and why instant messaging is increasingly becoming useful?
Question 4:
Explain how ethics are challenging to comply with in a Digital world
[5 marks]
[10 marks]
[10 marks]
[5 marks]
[15 marks]
Question 5:
Discussthe importance of creating and maintaining a social media page for an organization
[20 marks]
Question 6:
a. Identify one key aspect of the architecture of the internet and explain its outstanding
[5 marks]
b. Within the context of Digital communication, explain the role that Microsoft Explorer or its
successor Opera plays?
[5 marks]
c. Discussthe challenges in Digital Communication
[10 marks]
TOTAL: 100 marks