Question 1
Outline five social conditions that will indicate favorable social performance?
[5 marks]
Question 2
[5 marks]
Briefly explain the main purpose of conducting an environmental impact assessment?
Question 3
[5 marks]
The environmental management act no. 7 of 2007 of Namibia, came into effect in February
2012. Outline five important principles that the act is based on, that serve as guidelines for
activities of major projects that may impact the environment.
Question 4
[5 marks]
A project is said to be sustainable when it performs favorably in all three pillars, that is,
environment, economic and social. What are some baselining data that need to be collected
for benchmarking purposes, when measuring social performance?
Question 5
[5 marks]
Outline any five important factors that has an influence on the mining sector sustainability
Question 6
[5 marks]
Explain why metals such as cadmium and mercury are specifically more harmful to humans
compared to other toxic elements?
Question 7
[5 marks]
Briefly explain why decant facilities are required in tailings dam construction and how
inadequate decant design will affect the tailings dam?
Question 8
Briefly discuss some of the disadvantages of the upstream method?
[5 marks]
Question 9
Briefly explain how acid mine drainage occurs on a mine site
[5 marks]