(a) Explain briefly what you understand by the following terms:
Colloid particle, lyophi/ic colloid
(b) Characterise the following colloids in terms of what the dispersed phase (gas, liquid,
solid) and dispersion medium ((gas, liquid, solid) are:
(i) Smoke, Dust
(ii) Fire-extinguisher foam
(iii) Fog, Liquid sprays
(iv) Milk, Mayonnaise, Emulsion
(c) The surface tensions of the liquids mercury, water and n-hexadecane, in mNm-1, are
485, 72.8 and 27.46, respectively. Explain the differences.
(d) How does the temperature and presence of impurities affect the surface tension of
(e) For a dilute aqueous solution of surfactant, the Gibbs adsorption isotherm may be
written as follows:
r =-_s_ dy
s RT des
rs In this equation, what do the symbols and Csstand for?
(ii) Use the values of the slope from the plot of y versus Ines(linearised form)
below the critical micelle concentration and at 25°C, to calculate the area
per molecule, As, at the interface for both surfactants: (6)
Slope/mNm- 1
- 6.856
C12H25OSO; Na+
- 20.56
(f) Which system of aqueous surfactant solutions in each pairs given below would give
rise to lower critical micelle concentration? Explain your answer briefly.
(i) dodecyldimethylammonium chloride with no added salt versus
dodecyldimethylammonium chloride in 0.20 M aqueous NaCl?
(ii) dodecyltrimethylammonium
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide {C15TAB)?
{a) The initial spreading coefficient, Sa/Ais reported to be 36.0 mNm-1 for n-heptanol on
water at 20°C. The surface tensions of n-heptanol, ys, and water, YAat 20°C are 26.0
mNm-1 and 72.8 mNm-1, respectively. Calculate the interfacial tension of n-heptanol
and water, YAB-