[35 MARKS]
1. The control environment should be viewed as a foundation for all other components of
internal control and has an influence on each of the objectives and overall unit and entity
activities. List five (5) of the essential components of the control environment.
(5 marks)
2. GRCare popularly known as corporate governance principles for effectiveness. Discuss
how GRCcontributes to effective governance.
(10 marks)
3. Briefly outline two (2) roles of the Audit Committee according to Sox.
(4 marks)
4. Discusssix (6) COSORiskAssessmentsteps.
(11 marks)
5. Internal controls are the most important and fundamental concepts that Senior
managers and business professional at all levels must understand. List five (5)
indications of an Enterprise good internal controls.
(5 marks)
[65 MARKS]
This section is comprising of two (2) case studies. Each case study is worth of 40 and 30 marks.
Case study 1: Porter's five competitive forces model (30 Marks)
A local restaurant is located in the heart of Windhoek, has been operational for over five
years, and has a wide range of customers. The management faces numerous challenges that
impact the restaurant's competitive environment. This low tolerance for error necessitates
that the manager takes multiple views of the strategic landscape when aligning IS strategy
with business strategy to maximize industry competitive advantages. The manager
contemplates utilizing Michael Porter's perspective, which employs the five competitive
forces model to scrutinize the primary factors influencing a firm's competitive landscape,
and strategizes how information resources should be directed strategically to alter the
competitive forces to nurture a winning position in the industry.
1. List and describe the five (5) competitive forces.
(10 marks)
2. Identify how Information Technology (IT) can influence each force for a restaurant.
(10 marks)
3. Identify how Information Technology 9IT) can influence a Mobile application
(10 marks)
4. Utilising IT to outpace competitors exposes firms to several possible risks. Discuss
the type of risks the managers should be aware of before they emerge.
{10 marks)