Question 1
[20 MARKS]
[10 x 2 = 20 marks]
Choose the correct option and indicate your choice (A-D) next to the appropriate number in the
examination book provided. For example 1. B.
1. Which of the following is not an example of a project?
A. Starting up a restaurant
B. Creating a website for a company
C. Raising money for a disaster relief trip
D. Emptying the recycling bin every day
2. Consider a project that involves painting five similar houses over ten weeks (one house every
two weeks) for a total budgeted cost of N$200 000. The budget is N$40 000 per house. At of the
end of week 5, you determine that N$100 000 has actually been spent and three houses have
been painted completely. What is the earned value of the project?
A. N$100 000
B. N$120 000
C. N$40 000
D. N$200 000
3. The ____
usually states the time by which a project scope must be completed in terms of
the specific date agreed upon by the sponsor.
A. project schedule
B. project objective
C. task timetable
D. project scope
4. A ___
plan must be developed that identifies and assessespotential risks, determines the
likelihood of occurrence and potential impacts of risks, and delineates responses for dealing with
A. risk development
B. risk management
C. risk mitigation
D. risk avoidance
5. Which of the following is provided by a project network but not by the work breakdown
A. dependencies
B. sequencing
C. interrelationships
D. all the above options are correct
6. A resource requirements plan illustrates
A. who is responsible for which activities.
B. the amount of labour expenses for the project.
C. the expected utilisation of resources by time period during the time span of the project.
D. the budget for material and cost resources.