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COURSE: Business Applications 2B
MARKS: 100
Ms L Beukes
Ms S Klaassen
1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Read all the questions carefully before answering.
3. Make sure your name, surname, question number and the date
appear in the Header and Footer.
THIS TEST PAPER CONSISTS OF 8 PAGES (Excluding this front page)

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Question 1
Marks: 35
Retrieve Question 1 with the Track Changes from your folder and adhere to the
instructions. Ensure that you execute all the instructions and that you don't leave out
any important information. Use normal margins and the font.
fANCY HANDS'----------------------~
WheAyou decide to hire a \\'irtual assistant, you 're likely going to be hiring a I099 eontraetor.
Commented [BL(1]: Usethe link below to insert logo on
the top left corner:
Commented [BL(Z]: Insert Word Art:
Fill: Black, Text 1, Outline-Background 1, Hard Shadow-
Background 1
A virtual assistant typically provides low-cost solutions to easy. one-off tasks whereas a remote
executive assistant will oroaclivelv look for wavs lo add value and enhance vour efficiencv
(while effectivelv managing your schedule. inbox. and other complex or sensitive kask~.
----Commented [BL(3]: Pleaseusethe following link to insert
reference for website
·~ I. Schedule
Virtual Assistants work their own schedulesprograms and take on clients as they want and need.
Formatted: Line spacing: Multiple 1.15 Ii, Numbered+
There's wiggle room with project management and the responsibilities they decide to take on
Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 +
based on their skill level and deliverables.
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5''
Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic
I.I Specialized Fields
Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic
Some virtual assistants only specialize in specifics like:
~raphic design work,
web development,
c;lataentry, or
add copy. IL__________________________________
.----{Commented [BL(4]: Insert bullets, s/s
2. Executive Requirements
Iv It's important to match the right with our s ecific executive su ort needs, and all the
responsibilities that come with it.
2.1 Difference between Executive Assistant and Virtual Assistant
Ll.!__The HeMsuccceding difference between an IE.and is the re uirement for education.
This again, is dependent on what you need th~m lo c; clients might want to
see a lengthy resume before making a decision. Ll.J_Others might not be as stflftgeA!slricl.
Some light ei,perieAee, a diploma, or some college might be all that's needed to secure the job.
2.1.4 Virtual assistants have a wide range of education and skill levels. But because they are
Formatted: Numbered+ Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1,
2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Commented [BL(S): Type in Full, Bold
Commerited [BL(6): Type abbreviation in full, Bold
Commented [BL(7]: full, Bold

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jFANCY HANDS.__ ____________________
When you decide to hire a Yirlual assistant, you're likelj' going to be hiring a 1099 contractor.
Commented [BL(1): Use the link below to insert logo on
the top left corner:
https:/ / ?q=fancy+ha nds+logo& rlz=
Commented,(BL(2]: Insert Word Art:
Fill: Black, Text 1, Outline- Background 1, Hard Shadow-
Background 1
A virtual assistant tvpically provides low-cost solutions to easv. one-off tasks whereas a remote
executive assistant will proactivelv look for wavs to add value and enhance your efficiencv
(while effectively managing vour schedule. inbox. and other complex or sensitivdasks).
). Schedule
Virtual Assistants work their own schedulesprograms and take on clients as they want and need.
There's wiggle room with project management and the responsibilities they decide to take on
based on their skill level and deliverables.
Commented [BL(3): Please use the following link to insert
referencefor website
https://www.! pulse/ executive-assistant-
Formatted: Line spacing: Multiple 1.15 Ii. Numbered+
Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1. 2. 3, ... + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left+ Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic
Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic
Some virtual assistants only specialize in specifics like:
~raphic design work,
web developm_ent,
dat~.entry, or
add copy.'----------------------------------
2. Executive Requirements
It's important to match the right jv with ,ours ecific executive su ort needs, and all the
responsibilities that come with it.
2.1 Difference between Executive Assistant and Virtual Assistant
[ Commented [BL(4]: Insert bullets, s/s
Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1,
2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Commented [BL(S): Type in Full, Bold
The ttei<tsucceeding difference between an jE and is the re uirement for education.
This again, is dependent on what you need them to do. ll1._I-ligh-profile clients might want to
see a lengthy resume before making a decision. 2. I .3 Others might not be as stringentstrict.
Some light e1,perience,a diploma, or some college might be all !hat's needed to s_ectlfethe job.
2.1.4 Virtual assistants have a wide range of education and skill levels. But hecause they are
respoAsible for clieAt acquisitioA, they often invest in continuing education our assistants in
particular, have both college education, and m,perience.
Virtual assistants have more flexibility with their hours and are self-employed meaning you have
a lower overhead (employment taxes, benefits, and physical space,-ere). Hours delegated are
really dependent upon your budget and need.
Commented [BL(6): Type abbreviation in full, Bold
Commented [BL(7]: Type in full, Bold
Commented [BL(B]: Insert Paragraph Heading: Flexibility
Commented [BL(9]: Insert s/s between sub paragraphs

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2.1.4 Virtual assistant~ have a wide range of education and skilJ levels. But becau_sethey are
responsible for client ecquis1t1on, they oAen i_nYestin continuing education our assistants in
particuiar, haYe both college education, and eltperience.
Virtual assistants have more flexibility with their hours and are self-employed meaning you have
a lower overhead (employment taxes, benefits, and physical space,-ete). Hours delegated are
really dependent upon your budget and need.
Commented [BL(B): Insert Paragraph Heading: Flexibility
Commented [BL(9]: Insert s/s between sub paragraphs
~tly, the biggest difference between an jEA and a VA ~s salary. The ranges can both be from
high to low, all depending on need, requirements, experience, and deliverables. Also worth
noting, executive assistants are typically hired for full-time work.
J '-=---,~-~~--~--.------------------------------
Proper Time
Virtual Assistant
Commented [BL(1OJ: Delete extra line spaces
,._____C_o_m_m>e=n=te=d=[=B=L=(1=1)=: =In=se=r=t D=r=op=C=a=pover 2 lines, Bold
Commented [BL(12]: Type abbreviations in full, Bold
Commented [BL(13]: Delete current drawing boxes and
replace with your own.
Use the drawing tool, select the Rounded Rectangleto draw
the shapes
Outline 2¼
Text inside: Times New Roman, 12
Type last block Top Management in Font size 14, Bold
jEither WU)'., the vah,:1eof a good assistant is almost priceless in terms of what they can give back
to your business aµd life.'.------------------------------
1. Type Document in Times New Roman, font size 12, s/s.
2. Adhere to all the typing rules.
3. Use the following Heading styles for the Table of Content:
Introduction: Heading 1 (Times New Roman, Black, Font size 16, Bold)
Paragraph Headings 1, 2, 3 - Heading 2 (Times New Roman, Black, and Font size 14, Bold)
Paragraph Headings 1.1, 2.1- Heading 3 (Times New Roman, Black, Font size 12)
4. Insert Page numbers except for the first page (Top of page - center)
5. Insert diagonal watermark: ORIGINAL
6. Use Automatic Table2 for the TOC.
7. Insert Reference List
Commented [BL(14]: Formatthis paragraph:
Bold, Italic, center

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Question 2
Retrieve the Spreadsheet named "Regional Sales- Households" and adhere to
the following instructions.
Sheet 1 - Erongo Region
Sheet 2 - Omaheke Region
1. The store of these two regions use of the same items/products but they are
paying different prices. Open another sheet - Sheet 3 and rename it as Total
Cost. Copy the sheet of Erongo Region to sheet 3. Delete all columns except
Description column and Price column (please delete the prices in this column).
Please calculate the prices of both regions and insert it in the Total Cost sheet.
On the Total Cost Sheet:
2.1 Insert two rows:
1st Row- Insert Heading - Total Cost (u/c, Bold, font Arial Black, size 16, merge
& centre)
2.2 Please apply a custom number format for the numbers to show a comma
separator for the Total Cost Colum and add two decimals.
2.3. Apply a custom number format to show the N$ currency sign on all the figures.
2.4 Row Height:
Column Headings row height - 45 pixels
Rest of rows - 35 pixels
2.5 Column Headings (Arial, Bold, Font size 14) with background color of White
background 1, 15%.
3. Copy the Sheet named Omaheke Region from the workbook to a new workbook
and rename the sheet as Original.
3.1 Change the font to Arial, Font size 12.

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3.2 Insert two line space on top and add the heading - REGIONAL PROMOTIONS
2022 in the first line (Merge and Centre, Bold, Font Size 16, Font Arial).
3.4 Insert All Borders (excluding the Main headings)
3.5 Row Height:
Column Headings - 45 pixels
Rest of table - 30 pixels
3.6 Column Headings - bold the column headings and insert background color -
White Background 1, Darker 15%
3.7 Apply a custom number format to show the N$ currency sign on all the figures
and add two decimals.
3.8 Print the Original sheet of the Omaheke Region.
4. Copy the Original sheet five times and do the following filtering with the renaming
4.1 Sheet 2 - Display the items with the letter "h" only.
4.2 Sheet 3 - Show only the dates for the year 2009.
4.3 Sheet 4 - Please show the addresses that ends with the letter "s".
4.4 Sheet 5 - Please display only the excellent conditions.
4.5 Sheet 6 - Display only the prices between 800 and 2200.
5. Insert the header for each sheet.
6. Print all filtered sheets in portrait.

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Question 3
Retrieve the Books2022 and adhere to the instructions that follow:
1. In the Database Books2022 use the table Jobs to create a
simple query that will display the job_id and job_desc.
2. Use the table Books to create an action query that will
display the Title, Price and Royalty with a minimum of 10.
3. Use the table Employees and Jobs. Right-click on the current
link and press delete. Create a new joint table with job_id.
Create a query that will display the employees who are
In the Books2022 database, under Queries use the table
Publisher to create a report - format it as follows:
2. Create a header titled "Namibian Publisher"- Font Algerian,
Size 20, Bold, u/c, Colour - Blue Green, Theme - Organic
3. Insert page numbers which shows the current page and total
number of pages at the bottom centre position.
4. Insert the Date at the right bottom corner.
5. Go to layout view and resize all columns to fit perfectly.
6. Print all queries as well as the report.

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Question 4
Marks: 15
As an entrepreneur of a Book Store called The Book Spot, you are planning a
campaign to make people aware of your venture. Please create an informative,
attractive flyer with tear-offs, using Ms Publisher 2016.
1. Use the flyer under the heading Built it, under Flyers select Colour Band under
the grouping Marketing. Use the option tear-offs for the contact information.
2. Use customize colour scheme to Apex.
3. Please follow all instructions carefully to ensure an attractive Flyer.
4. Delete place holders and replace with the information given through the
5. Replace Product/Service Information with The Book Spot (Font Bodoni, size
26, u/c, bold - Centre).
6. Find the following pie
description The Book
corner next to the Title.
via the search engine Bing with the
Spot logo and place it at top left
7. Delete the content of Product/Service Information and replace with the
The Book Spot is a bookstore founded by Reschelle Muller in 2010 which
offer the best, and great selection yet affordable books available in the
Hello Book Spotters!
We are excited that you are taking this journey with us - whether you are
simply curious, interested or just as ecstatic as we are to re-introduce
reading as FUNDAMENTAL.
And that is true not only for kids. Reading for entertainment, to unwind,
process, learn and grow is equally FUNDAMENTAL for adults.
We believe in the strength of community. So, let's GROW places
Type content in Comic Sans MS, font size 10. Type the two paragraph
headings in uppercase and bold.

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8. Use search engine Bing to find the following picture of books and insert under
the content I the picture place holder.
9. Use your own Name and Surname for the tear-offs with your cell number.
10. Print your flyer.