jFANCY HANDS.__ ____________________
When you decide to hire a Yirlual assistant, you're likelj' going to be hiring a 1099 contractor.
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A virtual assistant tvpically provides low-cost solutions to easv. one-off tasks whereas a remote
executive assistant will proactivelv look for wavs to add value and enhance your efficiencv
(while effectively managing vour schedule. inbox. and other complex or sensitivdasks).
). Schedule
Virtual Assistants work their own schedulesprograms and take on clients as they want and need.
There's wiggle room with project management and the responsibilities they decide to take on
based on their skill level and deliverables.
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referencefor website
https://www.!inkedin.com/ pulse/ executive-assistant-
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Some virtual assistants only specialize in specifics like:
~raphic design work,
web developm_ent,
dat~.entry, or
add copy.'----------------------------------
2. Executive Requirements
It's important to match the right jv with ,ours ecific executive su ort needs, and all the
responsibilities that come with it.
2.1 Difference between Executive Assistant and Virtual Assistant
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The ttei<tsucceeding difference between an jE and is the re uirement for education.
This again, is dependent on what you need them to do. ll1._I-ligh-profile clients might want to
see a lengthy resume before making a decision. 2. I .3 Others might not be as stringentstrict.
Some light e1,perience,a diploma, or some college might be all !hat's needed to s_ectlfethe job.
2.1.4 Virtual assistants have a wide range of education and skill levels. But hecause they are
respoAsible for clieAt acquisitioA, they often invest in continuing education our assistants in
particular, have both college education, and m,perience.
Virtual assistants have more flexibility with their hours and are self-employed meaning you have
a lower overhead (employment taxes, benefits, and physical space,-ere). Hours delegated are
really dependent upon your budget and need.
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