L. Elephantorrhiza suffruticosa
M. Albizia anthelmintica
N. Dichrostachys cinerea
0. Faidherbia a/bida
P. Acacia reficiens
Q. Acacia Juederitzii
R. Erythrophleum africanum
9. What was Darwin's contribution in plant classification during the 19th century?
10. Describe the stems and tendrils of Cucurbitaceae family members.
11. Those who have never studied plants often mistakenly refer to the flower of a [4]
particular plant when in fact they mean the entire inflorescence. Please explain this
statement by elaborating the difference between flowers and inflorescences.
12. Most members of Ebenaceae have persistent calyxes. Discuss this description and [4]
name other two genera in this family which are found in Namibia.
13. For each of the following descriptions of species, give {a) the scientific name {b) the
family {c) economic importance in Namibia and (d) distribution in Namibia. Bonus
points for common names.
13.1 Large attractive deciduous tree, 10-18 m high, sometimes even bigger with a [4]
dense spreading crown, imparipinately compound leaves, male and female flowers on
separate trees, fruit a spherical tough-skinned drupe, pale creamy yellow when ripe,
edible fruit.
13.2 Deciduous or semi-deciduous tree with a rounded crown, up to 12 m high,
simple leaves, alternate or spirally arranged, fruit ovoid-oblong berry, fleshy,
yellow fruit when ripe.
13.3 V-shaped shrub or small tree with bipinnately compound leaves, 2-3 pinnae
pairs; each pinna with 1-2 leaflets pairs; leaflets 10 x 5 mm; strongly curved paired
thorns at nodes; flowers in round, creamy white heads; bark with white lenticels.
14. Each of the following plant species is very typical of a certain vegetation type in [4]
Namibia. Name the vegetation type in which each occurs.
a) Acacia hereroensis
b) Acanthosicyos horrid us
c) Pterocarpus ango/ensis
d) Spirostachys africana
15. For each of the following - describe the leaves, inflorescence and fruit.
a) Maerua juncea
b) Ozoroa panicu/osa
c) Searsia /ancea
d) Combretum hereroensis