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COURSE NAME: Geoinformation Management 2
Mr Erich Naoseb
Mr Alex Mudabeti
1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Write clearly and neatly.
3. Number the answers clearly.
1. Examination paper
2. Examination script
3. Calculator, ruler, pencil, eraser
THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 4 PAGES (Including this front page)

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Geolnformation Management 2
11. Legal issues are becoming as important as any other issues in promoting or limiting the (6)
development of GIS technology and managing geoinformation. Examine any three legal
issues related to geodata and its use.
1.2. Motivate the importance of Data Quality in geoinformation management and how it (8)
can be achieved.
1.3. What rationales can you provide for the establishment of the SDI in Namibia? Clarify (8)
the rationales provided.
1.4. SDls are made up of several components, name and discuss three components of an
SDI besides policy.
1.5. Briefly discuss the concept of Geographic Information Management.
Question 2
2.1. | How will the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Policy benefit the Namibian (10)
Nation? Discuss in detail.
2.2. Interpret the SDI hierarchy from the lowest to the highest level in terms of the
geographic coverage.
2.3. | According to the NSDI policy, spatial data custodians will be designated for each spatial
dataset by the Statistician-General in consultation with the producer and upon advice
of the NSDI Committee. List any five responsibilities and rights of the spatial data
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2.4. For the purpose of the NSDI Policy in Namibia spatial data are separated into two types,
compare the two spatial datasets
2.5. Implementation of any project does not always go smooth so does the implementation
of a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), list three possible challenges that the
implementation of NSDI can face and explain how they can be overcomed.
3.1 PGIS practitioners use a range of low- and high-tech geographic information
technologies for acquisition, validation, analysis, representation and sharing of geo-
spatial information. Name and describe 3 of the technologies used.
3.2 The mapping methods for a Participatory GIS project will be determined by the broader
environment and settings. Analyse four conditions that should be considered when
choosing mapping methods.
SWOT analysis is one of the tools that can be used in analyzing the opportunities and
threats. Use the below table to identify strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and
threats. The name of your project is Mapping of Rural areas for better Land Use
Planning. You may select any study area of your choice. Provide two answers for each
of the four variables (S, W, O, T).
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Question 4
4.1 There is established a juristic person known as the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (8)
according to the Public Procurement Act 15 of 2015. Explain the powers and functions of
the board when procuring a GIS for Okahandja town council.
4.2 Project planning is based on the objectives defined in the project charter. Discuss the
importance of a project charter and the two project planning methods that can be used
in a project.
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COURSE NAME: Geoinformation Management 2
Mr Erich Naoseb
Mr Alex Mudabeti
(Excluding this front page)
The model answers are used as guidelines only. The information provided by the students
will be evaluated on merit.

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Geolnformation Management 2
Question 1
1.1. _ Legal issues are becoming as important as any other issues in promoting or limiting the
development of GIS technology and managing geoinformation. Examine any three legal
issues related to geodata and its use.
e Public Accessility: VPublic agencies use GIS extensively to fulfill their own mandates
and to make themselves more efficient. However, their use of the technology has also
brought new problems because it creates an unprecedented demand for information
from public agencies. V
e Liabilityv: Data providers may be held accountable if the information they distribute
leads to damage or loss even if that information was used for purposes for which it was
never intended. V
e Privacy: V GIS databases hold all kinds of geographic information relevant to specific
individuals. Sometimes that data might be incorrect and so may cause economic or
social harm. V
e GIS Data as Evidence: VGeographic Information Systems are used to make decisions.
One or all parties in the conflict might then wish to bring data or analysis from a GIS into
court as evidence in support of a case. V
° Copyrights: VCopyrights were created to protect the commercial value of creative
e Licensing
© Ownership
e Intellectual Property Rights
Award maximum six marks for legal issues discussed.
Motivate the importance of Data Quality in geoinformation management and how it
can be achieved.
e Data quality includes positional accuracyv, completenessv, data structurev, currency
(including update frequency), v availability of metadata, Vcoverage, and interoperability
level. VV
e Additional information required for specific applications can be integrated with the
framework layer, but the data quality requirements may differ from the framework and
accordingly these data may be better acquired separately. V
e The issue of data quality is serious in Namibia. The regulations for the NSDI pay a lot
of attention to the data quality aspect. V
e All GIS users should strive for quality products from their systems and aim to produce
high quality output. V
e Rules and regulations regarding data quality must be enforce at all levels of data
handling. V
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Award maximum 8 marks for valid points mentioned.
What rationale can you provide for the establishment of the SDI in Namibia? Clarify the
rationales provided.
e Development of a spatial information marketplacev by providing appropriate
environment where both users and producers of spatial information can cooperate
with each other will result in the development of spatial information marketplace. V
e Partnership coordination across organisations and countries V Making spatial data
accessible through SDI’s can improve coordination among organaisations and
countries. V
e Economic development Vv The access to spatial information guarantees informed
decision and fosters public participation in developing and practicing economic
development. V
¢ Improved environment management Vv Catastrophic events require timely access to
reliable spatial information. Thus, timely access to needed information saves lives and
reduces the economic damages produced by the catastrophic events. V
e Minimise data duplication v Spatial information involves high costs therefore spatial
information sharing avoids duplication of spatial data investments. V
Allocate maximum eight marks for discussed points
SDls are made up of several components, name and discuss three components of an
SDI besides policy.
e Peoplev organisations and individuals who create, share and consume GI resources. V
e Access Networksv users have access to the available datasets over the web.V
e Standardsv standards specify rules and guidelines that deal with the heterogeneity of
the multi-sourcing data. V
e Datav spatial datasets produced by national mapping agencies, private sector, NGOs,
individuals, academia etc V
e Policyv spatial data sharing occurs according to various data sharing policies
e Intellectual Property Rights, Confidentiality and Security issues and Liability issues V
Award maximum six marks for the policies discussed.
Briefly discuss the concept of Geographic Information Management.
GIM deals with the whole process associated with the development vand operation of
computer-based systems for geographic information handling to satisfy the needs of
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specific people. vit takes into account organizational factors as well as technical issues.
Question 2
2.1. How will the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Policy benefit the Namibian
Nation? Discuss in detail.
e Clarify the value placed on spatial data in Namibia; VV
e Link the impact of spatial data sharing to the ultimate utilisation of spatial data; VV
e Establish guiding principles and strategies to enhance quality and accessibility; VV
e Avoid duplication of efforts and wasteful use of limited resources; VV
e Increase the frequency of updating where this is required to maximise usefulness; V
¢ Ensure that users including the general public are aware of the availability of spatial
information. VV
Allocate maximum ten marks.
Interpret the SDI hierarchy from the lowest to the highest level in terms of the
geographic coverage.
© Local SDI and State SDI V
e National SDI v
e Regional SDI Vv
© Global SDI Vv
According to the NSDI policy, spatial data custodians will be designated for each spatial
dataset by the Statistician-General in consultation with the producer and upon advice
of the NSDI Committee. List any five responsibilities and rights of the spatial data
e Development of the dataset; V
e Determining methods of data capture, quality control and assurance; V
e Complying with standards, legislation, policies and guidelines; V
e Data content and formats; V
e Archiving, storage and security; V
e Maintenance and updates of data and metadata; V
¢ Consulting with users about their needs and striving to meet those needs; V
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e Dissemination of data including setting access conditions and pricing; V
¢ Motifications about the data and metadata to the NSDI Secretariatv; and
e Serving and protecting the interests of the owner of the dataset (if not the
custodian). V
Award maximum five marks for correct the correct answer
For the purpose of the NSDI Policy in Namibia spatial data are separated into two types,
compare the two spatial datasets
e Fundamental datasetsv are spatial datasets that typically have national coverage,
and are widely needed, for a variety of purposes, by many usersV
e They are typically produced and funded by government (or donors) and are considered
public goods. V
e Thematic datasets vare all spatial data sets other than those designated as
e They may have national or less than national coverage V
¢ May be widely needed, by many users or compiled for specialised purposes with few
users or for specific tasksV
e They may be funded by government (or donors) and considered public goods, or may
be funded by the private sector and be considered private goods. V
Award maximum three marks for each set of explanation
Implementation of any project does not always go smooth so does the implementation
of a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), list three possible challenges that the
implementation of NSDI can face and explain how they can be overcomed.
e Lack of data sharing needsv Potential users do not know about the existence of this
information, mainly because data producers do not share their spatial holdings.
Educating and informing the users will improve the need and importance of data. V
e Inconsistence bureaucracy. v Simplifying the rules and regulations coupled with policy
updating with regard to data infrastructures. V
e Inexistence of centralise data. v Availing needed funds and human resources can help
establish a centralise data centers. V
e Lack of metadata. v Educating both the producers and users of spatial on the
importance of metadata can result in improving metadata inclusion on all data sets.
¢ Poor data security. V Improve data access and use policies. V
Award marks for any three from above and explanations of how to overcome the
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Question 3
Sel! PGIS practitioners use a range of low- and high-tech geographic information
technologies for acquisition, validation, analysis, representation and sharing of geo-
spatial information. Name and describe 3 of the technologies used.
¢ Ground mapsv are produced by the most basic map-making method which involves
drawing maps on the ground. Informants use raw materials like soil, pebbles, sticks
and leaves to reproduce the physicalv and cultural landscapes in the manner they
perceive them to be. Vv
e Sketch mappingv is a slightly more elaborate method which makes use of large sheets
of craft paper. Features are depicted with natural materials or more frequently with
coloured marker pens or chalk. Vv Participants usually have a range of choices
regarding the materials to use for the drawing and how to visualise desired items. V
e Scale mappingv is aimed at generating georeferenced data to facilitate discussions
and allow community members to develop maps which can stand scrutiny by
adversarial parties. VThe method is based on effectively selecting symbols and colours
to depict ISK on transparencies superimposed on a geocoded and scaled map or
remote-sensed images. V
e Mapping using mobile GPS-enabled devicesvV has spread among NGOs and
indigenous people’s organisations as GPS technology has become cheaper and more
affordable. Vv The technology is used to demarcate ancestral lands and areas where
access to and control over natural resources are in dispute. V Data recorded are
frequently used to add accuracy to information depicted on sketch maps,
¢ Geographic Information Systems (GIS), V use the functionality and data associated
with GIS technology to explore community-driven questions. . V Local spatially
referenced and non-spatial data are integrated and analysed to support discussion
and decision-making processes. v The spatial analytic functionalities allow the users
to conduct analyses more easily and rapidly. This approach can also be relatively
expensive and requires frequent software updates and subsequent retraining.
e Participatory 3D modelling (P3DM) v integrates ISK with data on elevation of the land
and depth of the sea to produce stand-alone, scaled and georeferenced 3D models. V
e ISK is used by informants to depict land-use and cover and other features on the model
using push pins (for points), yarns (for lines) and paints (for polygons). V
e The model remains with the community after completion of the exercise. Derived
maps are used to interact with remote parties.
e¢ Participatory mapping using aerial photography and remote-sensing images. V
Aerial photography and remote sensing images can be georeferenced Vand used as
scale maps. Scale, orientation, coordinate system and contour lines are shown,
making air photo maps excellent references for participatory mapping initiatives. V
¢ Participatory Internet-based mappingv involves the use of web-based applications
(e.g. Google Maps, Google Earth or Openstreetmap) to locate and present local
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spatial knowledge. vThese interactive maps allow users to click on map features to
access other multimedia information. v Map data are based on local knowledge that
has been documented by community members using digital video, digital photos and
written text.
Award maximum 2 marks for each tool mentioned and explanation provided.
The mapping methods for a Participatory GIS project will be determined by the broader
environment and settings. Analyse four conditions that should be considered when
choosing mapping methods.
e Legal and regulatory frameworksV
e Political climate. V
e Cultural setting. V
e Biophysical environmentv
e Infrastructural settingV
e Peace and order situation. V
e Accessibility and extent of the areas to be mapped. V
Award maximum eight marks
SWOT analysis is one of the tools that can be used in analyzing the opportunities and
threats, use the below table to identify strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and
threats. The name of your project is Mapping of Rural areas for better Land Use
Planning. You may select any study area of your choice. Provide two answers for each
of the four variables (s, w, 0, T)
e Strengths: actual conditions, qualities and resources that enhance productive
e Weaknesses: actual conditions, qualities and inadequacies that constrain
growth or serve as impediments to productive performances.
° Opportunities: scenarios crediting favourable conditions in implementing actions to
achieve given objectives.
° Threats: negative scenarios within the social and physical environment which may
stop or limit change from happening or factors which may hamper opportunities from
being realised.
Provide maximum two marks from each valid reason provided for the variable
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Geolnformation Management 2
4.1 There is established a juristic person known as the Central Procurement Board of Namibia (8)
according to the Public Procurement Act 15 of 2015. Explain the powers and functions of
the board when procuring a GIS for Okahandja town council.
e Call for such relevant information and documents as it may require from any public
e Examine such records or other documents and take copies or extracts from themv
¢ Commission any studies relevant to the determination of the award of procurement
or disposal contracts and disposal of assetsV
¢ Request any professional or technical assistance from any appropriate person in
Namibia or elsewherev
° Establish appropriate internal procedures for the operations of the Board and ensure
compliance with themv
e Approve bidding documents and notices submitted to it by public entities V
e Invite and receive bids and initiate pre-qualification and post-qualification for
procurements V
¢ Appoint persons to act as members of a bid evaluation committee of the Boardv
e Including representatives nominated by the relevant public entitiesV
e Oversee the examination and evaluation of bidsv
e Approve procurement methods and to consider for approval the recommendations
from the bid evaluation committee for award of procurement or disposal contractsV
e Review the recommendations of a bid evaluation committee V
e Do such things, not inconsistent with this Act, as it may consider necessary V
Award maximum eight marks
Project planning is based on the objectives defined in the project charter. Discuss the
importance of a project charter and the two project planning methods that can be used
in a project.
¢ A project charter is a document that officially starts a project or a phasev
e It formally authorises the existence of the projectv and
e provide a reference source for the futurev
elt gives the project manager the authority to utilize organizational resources to
accomplish the projectv
Project planning
© Work breakdown structurev
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© Project phasesV
e Specification of work packages V
e Milestone Planv
e Project Gantt chartv
e Plan of staff assignmentv and Project cost planv
Award maximum six marks from the discussion of the charter and two for any two project
planning methods.
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