Question 2 [12 marks]
2. If the random variable Y has a \\iVeibull distribution with a parameter 0 with pdf
j '(Y., 0) = 20y2e-(y/0)2
2.1 Show that this distribution
2.2 Find the score statistics U.
2.3 Find variance of a(y).
2.4 Find the information I
belongs to the exponential
family and find the natural
Question 3 [15 marks]
3. Household Food insecurity is a condition in which households are unable to access adequate
safe food because of insufficient money and other resources for normal growth, development,
and healthy life. Food insecurity at the household level is associated to several factors such
as place of residence, income, gender of household head (hh), age of hh, etc. Such factors
increase the risks of anaemia, lower nutrient intakes, behavioural problems, aggression, poorer
general health, higher risks of being hospitalized, depression and suicide ideation. Food
insecurity is also a real threat in Namibia and in 2020, 17% of the Namibian population had
faced a high level of food insecurity during the period of July- September 2020. It is therefore
important to look into factors that could contribute to food insecurity in Namibia. For this
purpose, Leonard and Gemechu (2022) used a data from 2015/16 Namibia Household income
and expenditure survey to study factors that contributes to food insecurity in Namibia using
different logistic regression models. The result of one of the model, multiple logistic regression
is presented in, Table 1.
The response variable: 1: the household is food secure; 0: the household is food secure
The explanatory variables: Region (South, Central, and North); Place of type ofresidence
(Urban and rural); Education (No education, primary, secondary and tertiary); Household
size (Below 6, between 6 and 10, and above 10); Age of household head in years; Sex of
household head (male and female); Income (Below N$1,500, between N$1,500 - N$5,000 and
above N$5,000).
The multiple logistic regression fitted were given in Table 1.
3.1 Assess the statistical significance of the individual risk factors.
3.2 Give brief interpretations of the region and hh age coefficients.
3.3 Compute and interpret the odds ratios relating the additional risk of hh food insecurity
associated with place and type of residence after adjusting for the other risk factors. [2]
3.4 Compute and interpret a 95% confidence intervals for the odds ratio in part (3.3) [3]