Introduction to Valuation
I) One of the main characteristics of the property market is that it is disaggregated either on the
basis of geographical location, use or tenure.
m) You are trying to verify the sales price of Mr Hayford's house. He tells you he bought it for
N$1,230,000. You check with the buyers and they tell you the sales price was N$1,200,000.
You will rely on value given to you by Mr Hayford's information when doing a comparable
sales analysis.
n) Two examples of special use property are a cemetery and a school.
o) A buyer pays more for a property than for what it would otherwise sell if offered on the
market. They are aware that a new highway will soon be built in front of the property. It is
said the property has a hidden value.
p) Where insufficient information on the transactions of similar properties is available and
cannot be easily found in the open market, direct capital comparison may be possible.
q) The size of a subject building is 119m 2 while that of a comparable building is 130m 2. The
adjustment to be made is to subtract the difference between the two from the comparable
r) Maerua Mall, Kristus Church, Zoo Park, Independence Stadium and the Parliament Building
indicate the residential real estate sub-market in Windhoek.
s) An arms-length transaction is where the buyer and seller do not know each other and also act
t) The Profits method of valuation is used to value profit generating properties that have either
a legal or factual monopoly.
u) A property sold at an auction as a result of a default in payment by a loan holder will reflect
the market value of the property.
v) Functional obsolescence is a reduction of an object's usefulness or desirability because of an
outdated design feature that cannot be easily changed.
w) Your subject property has one bathroom more than a possible comparable property. The
properties are very similar in all other ways. You could get an adjusted sale price more
representative of.the market value for the subject property by subtracting the depreciated
First Opportunity Examination Paper
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November 2022