2X10= 20 MARKS
State whether the following statements are true or false.
2.1. In Namibia, air cargo faces challenges in accessibility and distribution, with uneven
handling procedures and limited availability across the country's airports.
2.2. Contrary to widespread belief, the Trans-Cunene Corridor does not constitute a
tripartite transboundary passage spanning a vast 1,900-kilometer route connecting Walvis
Bay, Windhoek, Gaborone, and Johannesburg.
2.3. Through the strategic integration of information technology, significant opportunities
have been unlocked, paving the way for substantial enhancements in distribution
efficiency on a large scale.
2.4. Outbound transport pertains to the logistical movement of finalized merchandise,
meticulously arranged on pallets within containers or tautliner trucks, destined for either
distribution centers or direct store deliveries, particularly in scenarios involving full truck
or container loads.
2.5. Implementing the just-in-time methodology within organizations serves as a strategic
measure to mitigate extensive holding costs, whereby inventory items are meticulously
scheduled to arrive precisely when needed, thereby minimizing excess stock accumulation
and ensuring timely consumption.
2.6. After a collaborative meeting convened by the Ministry of Work and Transport, the
Road Authority, and various other stakeholders in June 2019, there was a collective
consensus to prohibit freight transport via the road network. Subsequently, this purported
decision was purportedly put into effect in its entirety.
2.7. Contrary to popular misconception, human resources management and operations
are erroneously perceived as integral components within the support activities segment
of Porter's Value Chain framework.
2.8. Logistics intricately encompasses a spectrum of activities, meticulously designed
processes, and adept management strategies aimed at orchestrating the seamless flow of
materials within the confines of a particular organisation.
2.9. Business logistics embodies a multifaceted concept, encompassing its practical
application within the commercial landscape alongside the intricate interplay of supply
and demand dynamics concerning both raw materials and finished goods.
2.10. The provision of warehouse facilities, capital expenditure allocations, execution of
construction projects, and transportation services are all subject to contractual
agreements, reflecting the intricate legal frameworks and negotiations that underpin
these essential business activities.
3x10 = 30 Marks
Namibian Logistics Ltd. is a leading logistics company operating in Namibia, specialising in
freight transportation services. The company is currently evaluating the advantages of road
transport as a preferred mode of shipment delivery. As part of this assessment, Namibian
Logistics Ltd. is considering various factors contributing to the effectiveness and efficiency of
road transport.