Cadastral Surveying 1
Question 1
Define Cadastral Surveying.
(b) Explain how the need for land measurement and the need to keep records of claims to ownership of
individual land parcels arose in ancient Egypt.
(c) "Because the cadastral system in Egypt developed around the definition of arable land, the system
became also quite important in re-establishing the delineated boundaries after the annual floods of
the Nile River washed away the evidence of land boundaries." Describe how these boundaries were
re-established after the annual floods.
(d) In South Africa, the first land surveyor came to the Cape in 1657. The first cadastral survey was the
survey of a piece of land on the banks of the Liesbeeck River. Describe the features that were adopted
as boundaries for the said property.
(e) In Namibia, iron pegs have been adopted as beacons for marking property boundaries. State three
natural or man-made features that in some countries have been/are used as property boundaries.
State the FULLname of the South African piece of legislation on which the current Land Survey Act 33
of 1993 used in Namibia is based.
(g) Give a summary of the history of Cadastral Surveying in Namibia.
Question 2
(a) Define 'real servitude/praedial servitude'.
(b) State the two terms given to two properties that are involved in a servitude such as a right of way
servitude. Indicate the correct term for each property.
Second Opportunity Examination
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July 2022