b) Jobs rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment, alternative work arrangements,
c) Jobs rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment, alternative work arrangements,
performance appraisals
d) Jobs rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment, alternative work arrangements,
company policies
1.5 Which answer below is best associated with a manager?
a) have an external energy and an inner strength to face challenges
b) have mental agility that enables them to make effective decisions much faster
c) allow their team members to grow and carry out tasks without interruption
d) resource planning & allocation
Question 2
True or False (Each question carries one (1) mark)
2.1 The psychomotor area deals mainly with physical skills.
2.2 There are three main types of evaluation, namely formative, summative, and post-
2.3 Ethics training and development is only necessary at the managerial level as it is
their role to integrate ethical decision making into the organisational culture.
2.4 Affirmative action is defined as 'an integrated and coherent socio-economic
process that directly contributes to the economic transformation of South Africa
and brings about significant increases in the number of black people that manage,
own and control the country's economy, as well as significant decreases in income
2.5 It remains the responsibility of the training and development personnel to see to it
that training and development facilities meet the required standards.