Assess the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Write only the
number of the question and next to it indicate your answer as true or false in the ANSWER
8001<. {Each question carries 1 mark)
1.1. Organic disorders have a hard to define emotional and psychological component
1.2 Peritrophic chronic gastritis causes the mucosa to be dull, nodular and irregular with
frequent hemorrhages
1.3 Gas absorption occurs in colonic and ileum walls
1.4 Spastic constipation can be caused by prolonged use of laxatives
1.5 Like vitamin C, phytates can facilitate absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract
1.6 In a hospital setting, it is possible for a nutritionist to work independently to deliver
quality nutrition services
1.7 Dietary history and biochemical data are part of medical history important during
patient nutritional assessment.
(52 MARKS)
2.1 Differentiate between following terms and concepts.
2.1.1 Zero order rate process and first order rate process
2.1.2 Acute esophagitis and chronic esophagitis
2.1.3 Nutrition care process and nutrition care plan .
2.1.4 Therapeutic diet and normal diet
2.1.5 Qualitative diet and quantitative diet
2.1.6 Hemorrhoids and ulcers
2.2 Explain five (5) types of diabetes mellitus
2.3 Explain the important of exercise in the management of diabetes mellitus
2.4 Explain the nutritional care for patients with carcinoma of the stomach