SECTION C [70 MARKS]: Comprehension questions.
Question 1
{a) Technological advancement in 1940 and 1950s made a significant contribution in
computer evolution. Distinguish by listing ay three distinct differences between the first
and second generation of computers
{3 marks)
{b) CPU Instructions can be divided into 3 classes. List the three classes and provide at least
one example of a typical operation of each. Class.
{6 marks)
{c) List any four, common types of computer expansion slots found in the PC's
{Please note: expansion "slots" and not expansion "cards")
(4 marks)
Question 2
a) State the two most significant reasons for embracing RAID technologies in storage
{4 marks)
b) Illustrate the concept of direct cache mapping by means of a simple diagram {5 marks)
c) Briefly explain based on your diagram how direct cache mapping scheme works
{5 marks)
d) A smartwatch RAM has 512 MB of memory. The memory in this watch is divided into
several words each 32 bytes. How many bits are needed to address any single word in
this memory? Show your work step by step
{6 marks)
Question 3
a) There are different types of operating systems. Their use depends on the type of
Computer and the type of applications that will be run on those computers.
Distinguish between the Batch OS and Interactive OS.
{4 marks)
b) List and explain the 2 main objectives of an Operating System.
{4 marks)
c) Explain your understanding of the following virtual memory concepts
demand paging
{4 marks)
d)What is an ultimate importance of virtual memory management scheme? {3 marks)
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