a) Marketing managers face a host of decisions in handling marketing tasks. These range from major
decisions such as what product features to design into a new product, how many salespeople to hire,
or how much to spend on advertising, to minor decisions such as the wording or color for new
packaging. Discussthe eight (8) stages of the New Product Development
(16 Marks)
b) Discuss in details and using examples from companies operating in Namibia, any five types of new
product development.
(10 Marks)
c) Once a product has been introduced in the market the consumer might decide to adopt the product.
The adoption decision is made when a consumer decides to become a regular user of a product.
Discussthe five (5) stages of the adoption process.
(10 Marks)
a) SBU'smarket share serves as a measure of the company's strength in the relevant market segment.
The growth-share matrix is divided into four cells, each indicating a different type of business. With
relevant practical examples discuss these four (4) cells.
(12 Marks)
b) Michael Porter proposed three generic strategies that provide a good starting point for strategic
thinking. Discussthese three (3) generic strategies.
(6 Marks)
a) The marketing department has to monitor and control marketing activities continuously. Discuss
any three (3) of the type of Marketing control.
(6 Marks)
b) The marketing audit examines seven (7) major components of the company's marketing situation.
Discussany six (6) of the major components.
(12 Marks)