strengthened by it on a 3" x S" card. He would then identify something important to
remember about the specific machine and note it on the card. A refined strategy was later
developed in which VCU staff modelled the explanation and demonstration of each machine,
followed by Bill performing the same functions. The VCU staff also brought in customers to
participate in sharpening Bill's skills. Later in the year, Bill walked out of the club after a verbal
exchange with the fitness director. Bill was frustrated with his inability to understand a
specific job function he needed to complete.
VCU staff encouraged Bill to identify potential stress management strategies including
exercise, taking a break, and reading. With support from the VCU staff, Bill initiated a
discussion with the fitness director about his disability and his need for accommodations
when feeling stressed. He selected the tactic of excusing himself for a few minutes and
walking outside in the parking lot as one primary strategy for coping with stress. The VCU
Career Connections staff modelled this behaviour for Bill and he later initiated this strategy
independently while prodding a student with an introduction to the weight machines.
Another useful strategy suggested for Bill by VCU staff was keeping a daily log of his activities
and feelings to identify potential stressors. He was taught to review the previous day's entries
and to remember the frequent stress-free days he had experienced to support his growing
As Bill neared the completion of his internship, the VCU staff and the Virginia Department of
Rehabilitative Services helped Bill to arrange informal interviews at health clubs, YMCAs, and
recreational centers to network with employers and provide opportunities to practice his
interviewing skills. He also received services from a job coach. Bill obtained a part-time
position as a program assistant at a local YMCA near his home. Bill and the Career Connections
staff discussed successful support strategies identified during Bill's internship at an informal
meeting with his job coach. They then modified these effective strategies to fit the
environment of Bill's new job in the aquatic department. For example, Bill's stress
management technique of taking walks was modified at his new site to include swimming laps
in the pool between aquatic sessions. Bill also maintained a journal and received one-on-one
instruction from his job coach. Overall, Bill enjoyed his new job, demonstrated consistent
attendance, and participated in various employee social activities on the weekends.
Source: Dowrick et. of. /2004 ).