Question 1
The typical way of operating a solvent extraction process is to run a continuous counter-
current multi-stage system. In these operations, organic substances such as Kerosine are
1.1 Why does copper sulphate dissolve in water and kerosene does not?
1.2 Where and how is this difference in 1.1 best utilised in hydrometallurgical processes?
1.3 Instead of precipitation, it is proposed that solvent extraction can be used in the
purification of the solution. If given the general formula of the extractant to be RH:
a) Write down the reaction that represents the loading of copper on the solvent. (1)
b) Explain the importance of pH in the solvent extraction process.
1.4 The concept of solvent extraction has become an integral part of copper recovery.
Briefly explain why solvent extraction as a way of purifying solution has an advantage
over precipitation in this process.
Question 2
2.1 In a traditional Roast - Leach - Electrowin (RLE) process, iron is the main impurity.
Goethite process is one way of removing iron from leach solution. The process is
conducted at elevated temperatures and in solutions with fairly dilute concentrations
of iron.
a) Why would you say goethite process is better compared to jarosite and hematite
b) Explain the importance of elevated temperatures and dilute solutions.
c) Given that oxygen forms the supporting cathodic reaction, give your opinion on the
effect of operating conditions on this process.
2.2 You are given a process stream from the zinc sulphate leach system that contains 20g/l
Fe that has to be precipitated as goethite and the solution flowrate is 1.5 m3 per hour.
If 90% of iron is precipitated, calculate the mass of goethite produced per hour. Molar
masses: Fe = 56; 0 = 16; H = 1.