Answer ANYTWO questions (Total =50 marks x 2 = 100%)
Question 1
[25 marks]
Communication models present various aspects of communication logically that help researchers in
acquiring an understanding of the pattern of communication. With the help of the communication
models, the researcher can undertake the communication programmes and put them into operation
in a well-organised manner (Kapur, 2020). In line with the above assertion, provide the five models of
communication discussed in this course and outline the contributions of each to the study of
(500 words)
Question 2
[25 marks]
Communication is a complex concept. Write an essay with special consideration of the following.
1) Definition of communication.
2) The various elements/process of communication.
3) Show the graphic representation of communication.
Question 3
[25 marks]
Describe the negative impact of the social uses of television programme viewing by applying the
Cultivation theory. Provide appropriate examples.
(500 words)
Question 4
[25 marks]
There are three tenets of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Describe each tenet and give a
concrete example for each component.