SECTION A: 20 Marks [Answer all Questions]
Question 1: [10 Marks]
Scenario: You are a security analyst working for a government agency that needs to share classified
information with a foreign government.
(a) What type of encryption would you recommend for secure communication, and why?
[S marks]
(b) Discuss the potential legal and ethical implications of sharing classified information with a
foreign government.
[S marks]
Question 2: [10 Marks]
Scenario: You are a security consultant working for a multinational corporation that operates in
countries with different data protection laws.
(a) What factors would you consider when designing an encryption policy for the corporation?
[6 marks]
(b) How would you ensure compliance with different data protection regulations? [4 marks]
SECTION B: 50 Marks [Answer all Questions]
Question 3: [15 Marks]
Based on the foll~wing questions, identify a practical application of Cryptography and answer each
of the following questions precisely.
(a) What are the security requirements?
[4 marks]
(b) What are the application constraints which influence decision-making?
[2 marks]
(c) Which cryptographic primitives are deployed?
[2 marks]
(d) Which cryptographic algorithms and key lengths are supported?
[4 marks]
(e) How is key management conducted?
[3 marks]
Question 4: [15 Marks]
(a) Come up with practical examples that demonstrate the relationship between security services
provided by cryptography as outlined by the contrasting reviews below: -
i. Data Origin Authentication is a strong notion than Data Integrity.
[4 marks]
ii. Non-repudiation of a source is a stronger notion tha\\ Data Origin Authentication.
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