Question 1
Performance appraisal is the process by which the human resource manager or other
manager/ supervisor monitors and evaluates what is actually happening in the workplace.
Please clarify what,
1. the objectives of a performance appraisal program in the workplace are and
2. which methods are used to perform such appraisals?
Question 2
Define the following concepts and demonstrate your understanding by including practical
examples in your definition,
a. Trade Union
b. Cultural Diversity
c. Affirmative Action
d. Quid pro quo harassment
e. Employee Relations
Question 3
"Human Resource management is the practice of recruiting, hiring, deploying, and
managing an organization's employees or is employee management with an emphasis on
those employees as assets of the business. Employees are sometimes also referred to as
human capital. 11
Consider the above definition of Human Resource Management and then compile a scope
of responsibilities and duties associated with Human Resource Management. Please
motivate your answers.
Question 4
(10+8= 18)
"Job design is the development and alteration of the components of a job (such as the tasks
one performs and the scope of one's responsibility) to improve productivity and the quality
of the employee's work life". In light of the above statement,
(a) discuss the principles of job design as a concept and
(b) describe the job design methods used by corporations
Question 5
Training needs can be caused by either Company focused triggers or Staff focused triggers.
Contrast and compare the needs for training as triggered by the above-mentioned causes.
Question 6
"Culture is considered to be the underlying values that direct how people behave. Cultural
diversity in the workplace is a result of practices, values, traditions, or beliefs of employees
based on race, age, ethnicity, religion, or gender."
In light of the above statement, please elaborate on
(a) the advantages of Cultural Diversity in the workforce, and
(b) how such a workforce should be managed successfully.