Read the following poem, Once Upon a Time by Gabriel Okara and analyse it by answering
the questions that follow:
Once upon a time, son,
thev used to laugh 1.1.1trht:ehir hearts
and laugh u.1rt:thheir eves:
but no1.1th.1ey only laugh 1.1,rtt:hheir teeth,
1J.1hitleheir ice-block-cold eyes
search behind my shadc,1.t1.
There 1.1,asa time indeed
they used to shake hands l•.1rt:thheir hearts:
but that's gone, son.
No•.1t.h1ey shake hands 1.1,ithouht earts
1.1.1htihleeir left hands search
my empty poc,kets.
'Feel at home 1· 'Come again':
they sav. and 1.uhenI ,::i:,me
again and feel
at home, once, t1.1.1i,::e,
there 1.1.1biell no thrice-
for then I find doors shut on me.
So I have learned many things, son.
I have learned to 1.1.1emaranv faces
like dresses - homefa,:,e,
officeface, streetface, host face,
coc,1-.tailface, u.1ithall their conforming
like a fi:a:ed portrait smile .
.And I have learned too
to laugh 1J.1itohnlv m·!•'t·eeth
and shaJ.:e hands 1.oithoutmv heart.
I have also learned tc, say,' Goodbye',
1.uhenI mean 'Good-riddance':
to sav ·Glad to meet you',
1.1.1ithobuet ing glad: and to say 'It's been
nic:e talJ.:ing to ·i.,ou', after being bored.
But believe me, son.
I 1.Uantto be 1.1.1hIatused to be
1.uhenI 1.1.1alikse vou. I 1.uant
to unlearn all these muting things.
t,.,t.,stof all, I 1.1.1atont relearn
hot1.t1o la1Jgh, for mv laugh in the mirror
sho1.1.1osnly my teeth like a snake's bare fangs!
So shou.1rne. son.
hollJto laugh: sho1.1m.1e ho1.1.1
I used to laugh and smile
once upon a time 1.1.1heIn1.vasliJ.:evou.