Instructions: Answer Question I and any 4 other questions. Excess questions will not be marked.
Question I is compulsory.
Time allowed: 3 hours
Question I
(Short Answer Questions)
a) What measure is used to determine the workers' exposure to radon concentration? [I]
b) Which of the axial flow and centrifugal fan requires complex arrangement for fan reversal? [I]
c) What is Kirchhoff's second law with respect to the mine ventilation networks?[!]
d) What is the major difference between whirling hygrometer and aspirated psychometer? [2]
e) What is the source of eddy losses in centrifugal fan? [I]
t) What is the pressure inside a mine using forcing ventilation system compared to atmospheric
pressure? [I]
g) What is lag on ignition with respect to methane? [I]
h) What is homotropal ventilation system and what is its advantage? [2]
i) What are the different ways to determine the resistance of a planned airway? [3]
j) Which of the axial flow and centrifugal fan delivers more airflow at lower pressure head? [I]
k) If airflow through the mine is doubled what would be the increase in the cost of ventilation? [I]
1) What is the importance of psychometry in mine ventilation? [2]
m) What is the major advantage of having main fan in the underground?[!]
n) What is the gauge pressure? [1]
o) What is stall zone? [I]
Question II
a) Briefly describe following ventilation controls
i. Air locks
11. Stoppings
iii. Air crossing
iv. Regulator
b) Briefly describe uni and bidirectional district ventilation with the help of Figures
. (12)