Question V
a) Methane is explosion took several lives in the history of coal mining. Briefly discuss about (I 0)
methane gas in coal mines.
b) An inflow of0.034 m3/min of strata gas occurs whenever cutting and loading operations are
conducted in a stope. The following data are provided for the stope:
Stope volume 2832 m3
Intake-air volume 56.7 m3/min
Concentration of the strata gas in intake air 50 ppm
Concentration of the strata gas in stope prior to start of work 75 ppm
1. The cycle times are normally distributed with a mean of 34 min and a standard
deviation of3.5 min. Calculate the probability of being gassed out during a particular
cycle given that the maximum allowable concentration for the strata gas is 400 ppm.
ii. A remotely operated cutting and loading machine is being considered. Assume that no
miners will be in the stope return where the concentration may be higher than the
MAC, calculate the steady-state concentration in the stope. Calculate the time at which
95% of this concentration will be reached
Question VI
a) What are the methods used to measure humidity in the air and explain the significance heat - ( I0)
humidity of air in an underground mine?
b) A rectangular tunnel of cross section 5 x 3 m2 and 500 m in length changes of direction by (IO)
means of a 90° arch of 3 m radius as shown in the figure. The tunnel is in good condition but
shows significant wall irregularities, so its Atkinson friction factor is estimated to be 0.012 N
s2 m-4• In addition, the shock loss factor in the arch union is assumed 0.86. If 80 m3 s- 1 of air
whose density is I. 15 kg m-3, is expected to flow through it. Calculate, omitting inlet and
outlet shock losses:
a. Resistance due to friction
b. Resistance of the arch union (shockloss)
c. Equivalent length of the elbow
d. Total pressure drop in the tunnel