Provide the correct term for each of the following.
1.1 Animals where the blastopore develops into the mouth.
1.2 The respiratory pigment found in the blood of Gastropods.
1.3 Common name for the parasitic flatworms belonging to the classTrematoda.
1.4 Asexual reproduction in which a small part of the parent's body separates from
the rest and develops into a new individual.
1.5 Away from, or opposite to, the mouth.
1.6 Jaw-like ossicles found in starfish and used to keep the body surface clean.
1.7 A rasp-like structure in the alimentary tract of chitons and snails.
1.8 Jointly beneficial association between individuals of two different species.
1.9 Distinct difference between the males and females of a species, as in lions
(2 words)
1.10 An animal with a true coelom.
One word in each of the following lists does not belong with the rest of the words in
that list. Write down the number (only) and the word/term that doesn't fit.
2.1 Mandibles; maxillae; antennae; Limu/us; crab
2.2 Lepidoptera; antennae; proboscis; halters; membranous wings
2.3 Bivalvia; radula; head reduces; shipworm; siphon
2.4 Ophiuroidea; flexible arms; ossicles; ambulacral groove; tube feet
2.5 Pycnogonida; crab; chelicerae; ovigerous legs.
2.6 Oligochaeta; clitellum; peristomium; nephridia
2.7 Radial symmetry; head; water vascular system; tube feet; madreporite
2.8 Antennae; ants; thorax; ticks; mandible
2.9 Tube feet; pedicellariae; starfish; diploblastic; radial symmetry
2.10 Protrusible tongue; Salamander; internal fertilisation; toad
Eachof the following sets of characteristics describes a Class. Write down the number
(only) and the Classthat particular set refers to.
3.1 Head and trunk; diplosegments; cylindrical bodies; antennae
3.2 Undivided heart; spiral valve; placoid scales
3.3 Cold blooded; webbed feet; breath with lungs and gills
3.4 Head reduced; radula; shell opened at both ends
3.5 Limpets; torsion; well-developed head; muscular foot
3.6 Sea horse; bony skeleton; operculum
3.7 Arms not sharply set off from disc; tube feet; madreporite
3.8 Long movable spines; tube feet; no arms
3.9 Polyp stage dominates; budding; solitary of colonial forms
3.10 Head reduced; no radula; foot blade-like; laterally compressed