A19. The natural genetic engineer is
(a) dipteran species
(b) rhizobium species
(c) bacillus species
(d) none of the above
A20. Which of following scientist developed the process of DNA fingerprinting together with
(a) Kary B. Mullis
(b) Alec Jeffreys
(c) T.H. Morgan
(d) H.O. Smith
(80 MARKS)
1. Give any five applications of the PCRtechnology
2. Describe any one molecular marker technique that you know.
3. Describe the technique of western blotting
4. Describe the technique of Northern Blotting.
5. Describe the technique of plant regeneration that you know and explain its
importance in producing genetically modified plants.
6. Explain the technique of sited-directed mutagenesis
7. Describe the process of biopharming?
8. Describe any five applications of the technique of biopharming
9. What is difference between biotechnology and biosafety?
10. What is the importance of public awareness on biotechnology and biosafety
11. Briefly describe the steps of DNA isolation from a plant tissue.
12. Compare Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs) and Randomly
Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs).
13. Aridibacter famidurans can be a valuable resource for which trait? How you could use
this trait in genetic engineering a product of your choice
14. Describe the use of gene mining in prospecting and using the found genes to produce
a GMO of your choice.
15. Describe how to make golden rice?
Biotechnology (81O702S)
1st Opportunity November 2023