8. Accordingto the theory of comparativeadvantagea, countrywill export a goodonly if:
a) Its productivityis higher in producingthe goodthanthe productivityof other countriesin
b) Its wagerate in producingthe goodis lower than in other countries.
c) Its cost of producingthe good,relative to other goods,is at least as low as in other countries.
d) All of the above.
9. Tradecreationtakes placewhen
a) a countrymovesfrom autarkyto free trade
b) a movementto a customsunionreducesthe costsof trade throughstandardization
c) economicintegration results in a movementin productoriginto a lower-cost membercountry
d) economicintegration results in a shift in productorigin from a lower-cost, nonmembercountry
to a membercountry havinghigher costs
10. Accordingto the theory of comparativeadvantagec, ountriesgainfrom trade because
a) Trademakesfirms behavemore competitively,reducingtheir market power.
b) Outputper worker in eachfirm increases.
c) Worldoutputcan rise when eachcountryspecializesin what it doesrelatively best.
d) Everycountryhasan absoluteadvantagein producingsomething.
1. TheTheoryof AbsoluteAdvantageholdsthat nationscan increasetheir economicwell-being by
specializingin the productionof goodsthey producemoreefficientlythan anyoneelse.
2. TheStolpher-Samuelsontheory analyzesthe incomedistributioneffectsof trade in the short
run,when resourcesare immobileamongindustries.
3. A country'stransactionswith the rest of the world are recordedin the balanceof payment.
4. A nationwishingto reduceits current accountdeficitwould be advisedto engagein more
5. A tax of 20 percentper unit of importedgarlic is an exampleof a(n)ad valoremtariff.
6. A current accountsurplus impliesthat the countryis a net lenderto the rest of the world
7. Quotasare government-imposedlimits onthe price of goodstrade betweencountries.
8. Theinstitutionalframework developedin 1947to promotetrade liberalizationis knownasthe
9. Absoluteadvantageis the ability of a country,individual,companyor regionto producea goodor
serviceat a lower cost per unit than the costat whichanyother entity producesthat samegood
or service.
10. Multilateral trade meansonecountrycomesinto trade with morethan onecountry.