[20 MARKS]
Writeonlythe numberandthe letter representingyour choicein capsi.e.,1.A,2. B3. C4. D etc.
1. Internationaltrade is basedonthe ideathat:
a) Exportsshouldexceedimports
b) Importsshouldexceedexports
c) Resourcesare more mobileinternationallythan are goods
d) Resourcesare less mobileinternationallythan are goods
2. TheNAFTAisa:
a) monetaryunion
b) free trade area
c) commonmarket
d) customsunion
3. A mainadvantageof specializationresults from:
a) Economicsof large-scale production
b) Thespecializingcountry behavingas a monopoly
c) Smaller productionruns resultingin lower unit costs.
d) Highwagespaidto foreignworkers
4. TheHeckscher-Ohlintheory explainscomparativeadvantageas the result of differencesin
a) Economiesof large-scale production.
b) Relativeabundanceof variousresources.
c) Relativecostsof labor.
d) Researchanddevelopmentexpenditures.
5. Mosttariffs have:
a) only revenueeffects
b) only protectiveeffects
c) bothprotectiveand revenueeffects
d) neither protectiveor revenueeffects
6. Whenonecountryprovidesthe mostfavorednationstatus(normaltrade relations)for another,
it agreesto
a) chargethat nation'sproductsa lower tariff than anyother nation's
b) chargethat nation'sproductsa tariff rate no higherthanthat of anyother nation
c) chargethat nation'sproductsa highertariff than anyother nation's
d) exportsto that nationany productsthat it wantsto purchase
7. If internationaltrade takes placeas a result of comparativeadvantage,it will causewhich of the
following effectsin the participatingcountries?
a) Inequalityamonghouseholdswill be reduced.
b) Theaveragewell-being of peoplein bothcountrieswill increase.
c) Bothcountrieswill grow faster overtime.
d) All of the above