Answer the following multiple choice questions. Only write down the question
number and the correct answer. E.g. 2.1 (c)
2.1 Identify some of the security threats we experience nowadays.
a) Spyware, lost data, pop-ups
b) Trojan horses, worms, rootkits
c) Key loggers, viruses, lock-ups
d) All of the above
2.2 What is the basis or platform of the IT infrastructure?
a) IT services
b) IT Personnel
c) IT Components
d) All of the above
2.3 Acts performed without malicious intent but provide a serious threat to
information security is called?
a) Information security
b) Privacy security
c) Unintentional threats
d) Intentional security
2.4 What governs decision-making, and code of conduct governing actions,
representing two common ways that companies self-regulate their policies?
a) Ethics
b) Code of ethics
c) The law
d) The government
2.5 What are the three most common public places that store personal
information about us, covered in the textbook?
a) Companies, warehouses and the bank
b) The bank, social media and the university
c) The university, home affairs and the internet
d) None of the above
2.6 A business continuity plan is also called a .................. .
a) Business plan
b) Disaster recovery plan
c) Economical plan
d) None of the above