Question 1
What do you understand by the following Terms?
1.1 "Land Estate Management " (4)
l.2 " Property Evaluation " (4)
1.3 "Feasibility Studies or Viability Reports "(4}
1.4 "Property management/estate agency" (4)
Question 2
Contrast and compare the distinct differences between a Property Portfolio Manager and a
Property Manager.
Question 3
Examine the Role of a Land Estate Manager and outline the skills needed to play this role
under the following headings .
2.1 The Role of an Estate Manager Explained
2.2 Where does an estate manager work? (3)
2.3 What does an estate manager do? (8)
2.4 Who do they manage? (4)
2.5 What skills should an estate manager possess? (2)
Question 4
A model facility layout should be able to provide an ideal relationship between raw material,
equipment, manpower and the final product at minimal cost under a safe and comfortable
environment. An efficient and effective facility layout need to adhere to certain objectives.
Briefly discuss these objectives.
( Any Five ) (10}