[20 MARKS]
For questions, 1.1-1.10, write the answer only (the correct letter chosen) in your answer sheet/answer
book and not on the question paper.
1.1 The statement of cash flow clarifies cash flows according to
a) Operating and Non-operating Flows
b) Inflow and Outflow
c) Investing and Non-operating Flows
d) Operating, Investing, and Financing Activities
1.2 Cashflow example from a financing activity is
a) Payment of Dividends
b) Receipt of Dividend on Investment
c) ash Received from Customers
d) Purchase of Fixed Asset
1.3 Cashflow example from an investing activity is
a) Issue of Debenture
b) Repayment of Long-term Loan
c) Purchase of Raw Materials for Cash
d) Sale of Investment by Non-Financial Enterprise
1.4 Cash flow example from an operating activity is
a) Purchase of Own Debenture
b) Sale of Fixed Assets
c) Interest Paid on Term-deposits by a Bank
d) Issue of Equity Share Capital
1.5 A soundly developed conceptual framework of concepts and objectives should
a) increase financial statement users' understanding of and confidence in financial
b) enhance comparability among companies' financial statements.
c) allow new and emerging practical problems to be more quickly solved.
d) all the above
1.6 The underlying theme of the conceptual framework is
a) decision usefulness.
b) understandability.