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MARKS: 100
1. Answer ALL the questions and start each question on a new page.
2. Read all questions carefully before answering.
3. Number answers according to the numbering structure provided in the question
THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 10 PAGES (Including this front page)

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Section A: Reading Comprehension
[25 marks]
Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
Body Language
"Let me have men about me that are fat," says Julius Caesar to Marcus Antonius in
Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar. In Julius Caesar's opinion, fat people were more trustworthy
than thin ones - that is, those with a "lean and hungry look," who "are dangerous."
Shakespeare was not the first person to categorise personality according to body type. If
you've ever jumped on the bandwagon and reacted to people based on the way they look
you know he wasn't the last. The relationship between physical characteristics and
personality has been explored for thousands of years and used to predict and explain the
actions of others. Although prehistoric man probably had his own ideas about the skinny guy
in the cave next door, the ancient Greeks historically have been responsible for Western
theories about body and character.
The Greeks believed the body was composed of four humours, or fluids: blood, black bile,
yellow bile and phlegm. The one someone had the most of determined his or her
temperament or personality type - sanguine (hopeful), melancholic (sad}, choleric (hot-
tempered}, or phlegmatic (lazy or slow).
Although this ancient theory eventually lost its popularity, it was replaced over the next few
thousand years by all kinds of other ways to identify and catalog people by type. One of the
most popular modern theories was proposed by William Sheldon in the late 1940s and early
1950s. He suggested a relationship between body shape and temperament. According to
Sheldon's system, the endomorph, with an oval shaped body and large, heavy stomach, is
slow, sociable, emotional, forgiving, and relaxed. The mesomorph, with a triangular shape
and a muscular, firm, upright body, is confident, energetic, dominant, enterprising, and at
times hot-tempered. The ectomorph, with a thin, fragile body, is tense, awkward, and
A number of researchers since Sheldon have contributed their own ideas to the basic theory
that body shape and personality are somehow connected. Going one step beyond basic
shape is the idea of "body splits." This theory looks at the body in sections - top to bottom,
front to back, torso and limbs - with the idea that each part of the body tells its own story.
For example, the upper half of the body, consisting of the chest, head, and arms, is expressive
and conveys our feelings to others through gestures and facial movements. The lower body,
on the other hand, is associated with more deeply felt emotions, particularly those about
family, children, and self-image.
According to this theory, someone with a well-developed upper body will be active and
outwardly confident. However, if this same person has noticeably thinner legs and narrow
hips, he or she might have trouble expressing himself or herself to others, lack self-
confidence, and find it difficult to think about deep emotions. A person with a small chest
but large hips will have opposite traits, such as being shy in public but emotional and loving

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towards friends and family. Look for many clues to personality: weight distribution (heaviness
or thinness in different parts of the body), muscular development, grace and coordination,
and general health. For example, does one half of the body seem healthier, or more tense,
or more relaxed than the other? Look for tense shoulders or stiff legs and hips.
Backsand fronts are different too. The front of the body is associated with our conscious self,
the one we think about and show to others. The back, which is hidden from us most of the
time, is associated with our unconscious self - that is, the feelings we hide from both
ourselves and others. Many times, we do not want to think about or show emotions such as
anger and fear, and we tend to store these feelings in the back. If you are feeling stress, your
back is likely to be tense. People who find it hard to deal with problems without losing their
temper are likely to have some kind of back trouble. Look around you at the stories backs
tell. A stooped back is weighed down by burdens or troubles. A stiff and rigid back is hiding
anger or stress. A straight and graceful spine is strong and flexible. Do you know what kind
of back you have?
Finally, there is the split between the torso, or body, and the limbs, or arms and legs. You
express yourself with your arms and hands, and even your legs, in the way you move about.
People who are outgoing often use their hands and arms to gesture when they talk. They also
walk with long, confident strides. Shy people hold their hands and arms quietly close to them
and walk with small steps. Energetic people often tap their feet and move around a lot
because it is hard for them to sit still. They can sometimes be impatient and are not the best
There is no end to theories about body shape and personality, and there is no doubt that
certain people with certain bodies often have very predictable characters. However, there
are some researchers who believe that the many instances in which body and personality go
together are due to stereotyping; that is, we expect a certain type of person to have certain
traits, so we see those traits whether they are there or not. For example, muscular people
are believed to be dominant and forceful, so we treat them as leaders. But sometimes they
are actually shy and timid. Overweight people are supposed to be happy and warm-hearted,
but in reality they can just as easily be depressed or mean. Sometimes people will even act
the way they think others expect them to act. By doing that, people fill the role in which we
picture them.
No matter how you look at it, bodies and personalities are related, whether by chance or by
choice. However, many exceptions to the rule have flown in the face of this theory. After all,
we are only human that means we have a mind of our own - whether we are overweight,
skinny, or something in between.
1. What was Julius Caesar's opinion of thin people?
2. According the article, how has the relationship between physical characteristics and
personality been used?
3. (i) According to the Greeks, what determined a person's personality type?

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(ii) Name the four personality types as identified by the Greeks.
4. Name the three shapes that William Sheldon used to determine people's temperaments.
5. According to the theory of "body splits", what is the significance of the upper body? (2)
6. According to the theory of body splits, which factors should be considered when
determining a person's personality?
7. Explain the difference between our conscious and unconscious self.
8. Which people are most likely to be treated as leaders and why?
9. To which word or words do the following pronouns in bold in the passage refer to? (2)
(i) "their" in paragraph 5
(ii) "they" in paragraph 8
10. Explain the following phrases in your own words.
(i) "jumped on the bandwagon" (paragraph 2)
(ii) "have flown in the face" (paragraph 10)
Section B: Grammar
[25 marks]
Read the passage below and then answer the grammar questions.
People (wrongly) attribute personality traits to body shapes, study finds
by Susan Perry
When we (i) (to meet) people for the first time, we tend to subconsciously make instant
assumptions about their personality - such as whether they are lazy, self-confident,
quarrelsome or dependable - based, at least partly, on their body shape, according to a
study published recently in the journal Psychological Science.
The findings (ii) (to not be) entirely unexpected. Previous research (iii) (to already show) that
people form first impressions of others' personalities, including their trustworthiness and
emotional stability, based solely (and bogusly) on the shape of their faces. Studies have also

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demonstrated that we tend to label obese people as being lazy and incompetent based only
on the size of their body.
This new study, however, looked at the role that more nuanced aspects of body shape -
beyond weight - play in our stereotyping of people's personalities.
"Our research shows that people infer a wide range of personality traits just by looking at the
physical features of a particular body," said Ying Hu, the study's lead author and a psychologist
at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Needless to say, this study's finding is discouraging, for it underscores the pervasiveness of a
long-debunked psychological theory about body shape and personality that was first
proposed by Dr. William Sheldon, an American psychologist and physician back in 1940.
Sheldon believed that the human shape could be categorized into
three "somatotypes", which could be used to predict a person's temperament, moral
character and mental abilities. However, Sheldon's somatotypes were eventually - and
thoroughly - discredited - but, unfortunately, not before they (iv) (to take) hold of the
public's imagination. Currently, the categories (v) (to still play) a role in pop psychology, and
are referenced by people advising on all sorts of things, including how to dress, how to eat
and how to choose a sports activity.
For their study, Hu and her colleagues used laser scans of human bodies to create 140
realistic, three-dimensional body models. Half were female, half were male. The researchers
then showed these models (each from two different angles) on a computer screen to 76
undergraduate students. The screen also contained 30 words representative of all dimensions
of the Big Five personality traits, which are commonly used in psychology research to assess
personality. The students were asked to identify the traits they (vi) (to think) were most
applicable to each body model. The study found that people do indeed infer a wide range of
personality traits from body shapes.
"Although we believe that all humans infer personality traits from body shape, we expect that
these inferences (vii) (to differ) substantially across ethnicity, culture, and possibly age," write
Hu and her colleagues.
In addition, the study's participants were looking at 3-D models of human bodies. If they had
encountered the body shapes in the real world - as actual people - they might have linked
different personality traits to them. Still, the findings suggest, say Hu and her colleagues, that
"people infer personality traits from body shapes in systematic and reliable ways." We should
resist the impulse to make those snap inferences, however, as the idea that body shapes are
linked to personality traits has absolutely no basis in scientific fact - and can lead to harmful
1. Change each of the verbs numbered (i) to (vii) in the passage above into the correct verb
2. Identify whether the sentences below are in the active or passive voice.

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(i) Susan Perry has published the findings in a renowned journal.
(ii) Body shapes are being linked to personality traits.
(iii) Small changes in body shape will affect the participants' assumptions.
3. Change the sentences in Question 2 above into the opposite voice.
4. Write the following statement in reported speech:
Dr Hu said: "The findings of the study that we conducted two months ago shows that
participants infer personality traits from body shape."
5. Write down one example of each of the following from the last paragraph:
(i) Infinitive
(ii) Gerund
(iii) Present participle
(iv) Past participle
6 (i) Identify the type of conditional used in the sentence below.
If they had encountered the body shapes in the real world, they might have linked different
personality traits to them.
(ii) Change the sentence above into a second conditional.
7. Complete the sentence below with a suitable result clause.
If you hide anger or stress,
Section C: Critical Reading
[20 marks]
Read the passages below and then answer the questions that follow. Write only the
number and the letter of the answer you choose in the answer book, e.g. lC.
Passage 1
The origins of life on Earth are shrouded in mystery. Scientists agree that life arose almost
four billion years ago from non-living chemicals, a process called abiogenesis. However, many
competing hypotheses exist to explain how this might have happened. Because Earth is the
only planet in the universe known to harbour life, studying the unique chemical environment
of early Earth can allow us to develop a deeper understanding of the causes of abiogenesis.
During the earliest phase of Earth's existence, the Hadean eon, conditions on the newly
formed planet were very different from those found today. The young Earth was intensely
hot, with highly active volcanoes and frequent meteorite impacts. Unlike today's atmosphere,
which is predominantly made of nitrogen and oxygen, the Hadean atmosphere is thought to
have consisted mainly of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, water vapour, and volcanic gases. Thanks

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to the intense pressure of this thick atmosphere, liquid water oceans probably existed despite
the boiling temperatures on Earth's surface.
Although these conditions would be totally inhospitable to modern life, this unique
environment could have produced many of the building blocks of life. Scientists have
discovered this by replicating the conditions of the Hadean eon in laboratories. The earliest
and most famous of these experiments, conducted by Stanley Miller in the 1950s, involved
passing electricity through the particular mixture of gases in the early Earth's atmosphere.
Miller found that electricity, such as that delivered by lightning strikes, could have triggered
chemical reactions in the Hadean atmosphere, producing amino acids, the building blocks of
proteins, as well as the nitrogenous bases and sugars that make up nucleic acids such as DNA
and RNA. More recent experiments using ultraviolet light, a major component of sunlight,
have found that it too could have caused organic compounds to form on Earth during the
Hadean eon.
This has led to speculation on the part of many scientists that these molecules, once
synthesized in the early Earth's oceans, could have become organized into self-replicating
structures that developed into life as we know it. Nucleic acids, for instance, can both carry
genetic information and catalyse chemical reactions; simple nucleic acids thus could have
replicated themselves and even created proteins from amino acids, like modern life forms do.
Indeed, many scientists now believe that today's life descends from an "RNA world" that
formed in this way.
It turns out that the conditions for life to arise may actually be quite common throughout the
universe. At the very least, the building blocks of life as we know it-amino acids, simple
sugars, and other organic compounds-seem to show up wherever we point our telescopes.
For instance, organic molecules form quite readily in the clouds of dust and gas that hang
between and around stars. A number of studies have found that certain organic molecules,
called PAHs, may be present in the nebulae and star systems all over the universe. These
molecules, made up of rings of carbon and hydrogen, have structures that might allow them
to help RNA strands self-assemble in the oceans of planets; NASA scientists estimate that
these molecules contain as much as 20 percent of the universe's carbon and may have formed
shortly after the universe began.
Scientists have also found organic molecules closer to home, within our own galaxy and Solar
System. In the massive nursery of new star systems at the heart of the Milky Way, a simple
form of sugar has been detected. The formation of this sugar is a key step in the creation of
the more complex sugars in nucleic acids. This suggests that the raw materials for nucleic
acids, and perhaps other key components of life, might be commonly incorporated into
forming star systems. This certainly seems to have happened around our Sun. A number of
Solar System bodies, such as the Murchison meteorite, have crashed to Earth bearing
nitrogenous bases and amino acids that were formed in space, and comets currently orbiting
our Sun have been found to carry amino acids as well. If the early Earth was seeded with

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organic molecules, either during its formation or by meteorite and comet impacts, it is
plausible that this could have paved the way for abiogenesis to take place soon thereafter.
Taken together, this evidence suggests that the building blocks of life appear throughout the
Milky Way galaxy and elsewhere in the universe. Earth's status as the cradle of life may not
be so special after all.
1. The main purpose of Passage 1 is to
A argue that Earth is the only planet in the universe that could support life.
B explain how the conditions of the early Earth could have given rise to life.
C describe a period of Earth's history that is very different from the modern day.
D propose a method for creating artificial life in a laboratory.
2. The purpose of the last sentence in paragraph 3 of Passage1 (More recent experiments
using ultraviolet light, a major component of sunlight, have found that it too could
have caused organic compounds to form on Earth during the Hadean eon.) is primarily
A refute the idea that lightning strikes are responsible for creating early organic
B emphasize the importance of the Sun to the origins of life.
C suggest an alternative energy source for the formation of organic compounds.
D propose that organic compounds may have originated in outer space.
3. Passage 1 suggests that many scientists believe that modern life descends from an
"RNA world" because
A RNA can perform some basic functions needed to sustain a living organism.
B RNA organisms would have been uniquely suited to the conditions of the Hadean
C RNA molecules were rarely produced in Stanley Miller's experiments.
D RNA is more stable than other nucleic acids.
4. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question? (1)
A Unlike today's atmosphere, which is predominantly made of nitrogen and oxygen,
the Hadean atmosphere is thought to have consisted mainly of carbon dioxide,
hydrogen, water vapour, and volcanic gases.
B Although these conditions would be totally inhospitable to modern life, this
unique environment could have produced many of the building blocks of life.
C Miller found that electricity, such as that delivered by lightning strikes, could have
triggered chemical reactions in the Hadean atmosphere, producing amino acids,
the building blocks of proteins, as well as the nitrogenous bases and sugars that
make up nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA.
D ... simple nucleic acids thus could have replicated themselves and even created
proteins from amino acids, like modern life forms do.

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5. It can reasonably be inferred from Passage2 that
A living organisms must have come to Earth from elsewhere in the universe.
B the environment of the early Earth would have destroyed organic compounds.
C our Solar System is unique in containing organic compounds.
D abiogenesis could have taken place when the universe was fairly young.
6. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question? (1)
A At the very least, the building blocks of life as we know it-amino acids, simple
sugars, and other organic compounds-seem to show up wherever we point our
B These molecules, made up of rings of carbon and hydrogen, have structures that
might allow them to help RNA strands self-assemble in the oceans of planets;
NASA scientists estimate that these molecules contain as much as 20 percent of
the universe's carbon and may have formed shortly after the universe began.
C This certainly seems to have happened around our Sun.
D Taken together, this evidence suggests that the building blocks of life appear
throughout the Milky Way galaxy and elsewhere in the universe.
7. As used in paragraph 2 of Passage2, "readily" most nearly means
A preparedly.
B easily.
C willingly.
D happily.
8. Based on Passage2, which choice best describes the relationship between PAHsand
A PAHs can be combined to form RNA molecules in the presence of water.
B PAHs can provide support for the synthesis of RNA molecules.
C PAHs can only synthesize with the help of RNA.
D PAHs make the synthesis of RNA molecules possible only in deep space nebulae.
9. Based on the passages, both authors would agree with which of the following
A Life arose on Earth from non-living organic compounds.
B Earth's environment is uniquely conducive to the formation of organic
C Earth is certainly not the only planet on which life exists.
D Life on Earth could only have begun with an RNA world.

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10. How would the author of Passage2 most likely respond to the claim made in lines 3-
5 ("Because Earth ... abiogenesis"} of Passage1?
A Life probably developed in a distant nebula before arriving on Earth.
B Scientists do not know exactly what the early atmosphere of Earth was like.
C The chemical precursors of life can form in a wide variety of environments.
D Modern organisms would not have been able to survive during Earth's Hadean
(10x2 = 20}
Section D: Creative writing
[30 marks]
Write an essay based on ONE of the following topics. You should write between 300 and 350
words (about one and a half pages}. Indicate the number of words used.
1. In your opinion, between book-knowledge and knowledge from life experiences, what
knowledge source is the most significant?
2. Applications such as Zoom and Teams have replaced actual face-to-face meetings and
interactions in the workplace. Discuss the pros and cons of virtual meetings as opposed
to physical meetings.
3. Giving specific reasons and examples, discuss some of the things that you would change
in your hometown.
4. Write an essay to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media for especially
5. Travelling is a waste of money. Write an essay to discuss whether you agree or disagree
with this statement.
6. Many people argue that tipping practices are getting out of hand and should be phased
out. To what extend to you agree and disagree with this view?