SECTION B: Descriptive Questions [35 Marks]
• Answer all the questions in the provided booklet.
• The section consists of 5 questions.
1. Define the following concepts:
(8 Marks)
a. Semantic Web
b. Ontologies
d. RDF
f. How do you understand the FOAFconcept?
[1 Mark]
[1 Mark]
[1 Mark]
[1 Mark]
[1 Mark]
[3 Marks]
2. Given the following turtle statement. Determine subject, predicate and the object.
{3 Marks)
People: Ryan ext: worksWith People: John
3. Create an RDFgraph for the following statement?
People: Andrew foaf: knows People: Steven
Foaf: surname "Tjirare";
(5 Marks)
4. To whom does the surname of relation in question above 3 belong?
(2 Marks)
5. What is the significance of programming languages in web applications development?
(2 Marks)
6. Define the difference between a knowledge base and an ontology.
{2 Marks)
7. What are the two ways of making a website more accessible for users with different abilities?
{3 Marks)
8. Define the difference between Contextual Inquiry and Ethnographic Interviewing.
(3 Marks)
9. Define the difference between Contextual Inquiry and Ethnographic Interviewing.
{3 Marks)
10. Describe the problems in the current web and the vision of the semantic web.
{2 Marks)