Geoinformation Management
Question 7
7.1 What is a "B/C Ratio"? What does the abbreviation stand for and what is the b/C Ratio (3)
used for? (Or, in other words: What does the B/C Ratio indicate in an economic project
7.2 List the various working steps, which are required to produce a B/C ratio in their correct (8)
sequence. Briefly explain each step with one or two short sentences. Note: Just follow
exactly the procedure that was used for the National Park Exercise.
Question 8
8.1 Let us assume that one of the important regular outputs of your GISwill be thematic
maps of an area which measures exactly 400 km in North-South and 270 km in East-
West direction. Let us also assume that you have a printer that can only print up to a
maximum format of DIN A3 (42 cm x 29.7 cm) and that a strip of 1 cm on all four sides
of the A3 sheet cannot be printed. What would be the maximum scale at which you
could print these maps, showing the entire 400 km x 270 km area on one DIN A3 sheet?
Note: A correct final figure result will only be counted if is accompanied by a
reproducible and correct calculation.
8.2 A typical soccer field has an area of about 70 m x 100 m.
a) How big is that soccer field in square meters (sq. m)?
b) How big is that soccer field in hectares (ha)?
c) How big is that soccer field in a square kilometre (sq. km)?
d) How big will that soccer field be on a map 1: 25,000? (Please give length and width in
mm and the map area in sq. mm!)
2nd Opportunity Exam question paper
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July 2022