Question 1
a. During a routine check at the plant, it was observed that the oxygen and
cyanide concentration were far below the set point. The oxygenation and
cyanide supply system when checked was functioning very well. A check from
the mineralogical data supplied by the geologist revealed the presence of iron
and copper sulphide minerals. As a metallurgist on site discuss the possible
cause for observed drop in oxygen and cyanide concentration. What will the
effect when the problem is not rectified?
(10 marks)
b. Mention five (5) operating variables that regulate the flotation minerals
c. Tin ore assaying 10% Sn is fed to a concentration plant at the rate of 100
tons/hr. If the grades of concentrate and tailing are 40% Sn and 1 % Sn, calculate
the recovery of tin and tin lost in tailing in tons/hr.
(15 marks)
a. Develop a simple beneficiation flow chart for uraninite
(15 marks)
b. Explain the following terms as applied in froth flotation
i. Entrainment
(2 marks)
ii. Induction time
(2 marks)
iii. Contact time
(2 marks)
tea c. 100 g of graphite with 60% carbon is to aflotation ceJiJn llie-labor~t~y. -By-- --·
using proper reagents 50 g of concentrate assaying 90% carbon -is obtained.
Calculate the percentage recovery, ratio of concentration and ratio of enrichment,
(10 marks)
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