Question 1
[20 Marks]
Namibia's destination competitors are Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa,
Tanzania, and Kenya {MCA-N, 2012). Outline in detail with practical examples,
Namibia's positioning strategy and mention how Namibia Tourism uses its attributes to
position itself from its competitors.
Question 2
[20 Marks]
Destination Marketing Organisations {DMO's) are recognizing an increase in consumer
demand for operators who offer environmentally friendly practices {Dodds, 2019).
2.1 What is your perspective on climate change and destination marketing? {5 Marks)
2.2 What recommendation would you give to DMO's in their long-term strategic
marketing planning regarding climate change?
{15 Marks)
Question 3
[20 Marks]
The intangibility of the brand equity concept contributed to the difficulty in achieving a
universal definition of brand equity (Chrlstodoulides & de Chernatony, 2010; Martin &
Brown, 1990). ·
3.1 Share your perspective on the various definitions of brand equity?
{5 Marks)
3.2 How do the current definitions relate to the field of studies of tourism and
hospitality? Provide practical examples.
{15 Marks)
Question 4
[20 Marks]
Philip Kotler {1990) defines services as "any act or performance that one party can
offer to another that is essentially intangible." By referring to the above statement
using a diagram, elaborate further by mentioning the service marketing mix and
apply them to a tourism or hospitality business to make us understand better the
service characteristics of the tourism and hospitality sector.
Question 5 ·
[20 Marks]
Innovation is the systematic practice of developing and marketing breakthrough
products and services for adoption by customers {McKinsey, 2022). In reference to
the above statement. What is your perspective and understanding of the concept of
"SMARTTOURISM" and how do you foresee the future of tourism destinations?
Question 6
[20 Marks]
One of the first stages of strategic marketing planning processfor tourism and hospitality
is to gather data to form a SWOT-analysis.Elaborate further on how to conduct a SWOT-
analysis for any tourism busin_essor destination. Provide practical examples to
substantiate your argument. ·