1. Differentiate between the three (3) major areas of ergonomics and highlight how they apply
to agriculture by giving examples.
Mashare Irrigation scheme has encountered Salmonella in their vegetable produce,
advice the Masha re Irrigation scheme Management on possible sources of the bacteria and
why it is important for humans not to consume contaminated produce from Salmonella?
3. Define the following terminologies:
(a) Processed vegetables
(b) Vegetable irradiation
(c) Integrated Crop Management
(d) Ergonomics
Discussthe purpose of DNA sequencing and give three (3) current applications of DNA
sequencing in Namibia.
Describe the two (2) main strategies to prevent hazardous levels of bacterial
contamination in fresh produce.
6. Name a prominent pathogenic parasite associated with fresh produce and discuss its
characteristics and its effect on human health.
7. Name a bacterial pathogen of your choice associated with fresh produce and discussits
characteristics and its effect on human health.
8. You are the scientific technician advising all Green-schemes on safety of their produce
which have been failing standard tests lately. What are you going to point out as potential
sources of on-farm contamination?
9. You are consulted as a local scientist to provide technical support on a new multi-million
dollar agricultural project for Namibia;
(a) What would you advice the project team leadership in terms of Integrated
vegetable production management in order to minimize environmental impacts?
(b) What will be the issuesyou are going to emphasize to the project team asthose
affecting vegetable production industries?
(c) As part of processing harvested produce from this project, how will you process
the following post-harvest; Tomato, cabbage, maize, potatoes, carrots, peas, beans,
corn, beetroot, cucumbers?
10. Briefly discuss the key components of Integrated Crop Management
11. You have been assigned to appear on National television to advice the Namibian nation
that is reluctant to use vegetable derived natural products, which key benefits are you going
highlight in encouraging our community?