Question 1:
Explain the term Soil Erosion and Weathering
Question 2:
Two farmers, Ms FT Karumendu of Omaheke region and Chief Ngambela Simasiku of
Zambezi region has problems with wind erosion and what advice on measures to control it.
What advice will you give them
Question 3:
Explain the soil degradation prevention methods or erosion methods which keep the soil
Question 4.
Describe/ explain the economic consequences of soil degradation and what kind of policies
can contribute to reduce the degradation? Please use your home village/ home country, or
country specifics of interest to you, as a point of reference in your discussion
Question 5.
Describe Soil erosion and factors affecting soil erosion
Question 6
What practices can be used to prevent and control wind erosion
Question 7.
List and state several ways of combating water erosion
Question 8:
How conservation Agriculture contribute to incrteasing food and nutrition security?
Question 9:
Explain the impact of minimum tillage on soil erosion
Question 10
Explain the role of animal husbandry in CA