b) Assume a spectrum of 480 kHz is allocated over a base frequency for
communication between stations A and B.
Divide the entire bandwidth into four sub-bands.
{ii) Why do we divide the entire bandwidth into sub-bands?
{iii) Should we allocate a guard band? Why?
Q4 a)
In LTEE-UTRANFrame Structure
{i). How many samples per second is full-duplex system in LTEFDD?. [2)
{ii). How many Sub-frames are present in a single Frame-Structure, and
what is the size of each Sub-Frame in the time domain?
{iii). How many time slots are present in a Sub-Frame?
{iv). What is Cyclic Prefix {CP}in a Frame-Structure?
(v). How many OFDM symbols are available in 1 time slot in Normal CP [2]
and Extended CP?
With the help of an appropriate diagram, explain the basic steps of
Mobile originated call (MOC} to a fixed network.
Q5 a)
With the help of an appropriate diagram, discuss how Encryption is [8]
achieved in a GSM network.
In a full-rate TDMA system used in United States Digital Cellular (USDC}IS-
54 standard, the
• duration of a TDMA voice frame = 40ms
• number of time slots in a frame= 6
• number of bits in a voice frame= 1944
• Number of bits in guard band ==6
i) the duration of a time slot of a voice frame
ii) the number of bits in a time slot of a voice frame
iii) the duration of a bit
iv) the duration of guard time
Discuss the following subsystems of GSM Architecture:
(i) the mobile station {MS),
{ii) the base station sub system (BSS),
(iii) the network and switching subsystem {NSS),and
(iv) the operation subsystem {OSS).