SECTIONB {60Marks]
Thissection contains FOUR questions.
Attempt any THREEquestions.
Q3 a)
Describe how CSMA/CA solves the Hidden and Exposed terminal [6]
Explain the frequency reuse concept in GSM.
Explain why the traditional IP cannot be used in a mobile network.
Q4 a)
A cellular system with a total bandwidth of 15 MHz uses 10 kHz simplex
channels to provide full duplex voice and control channels for 12-cell reuse
patterns. 1 MHz of the total bandwidth is allocated for control channels.
(a) Calculate the total available channels.
(b) Determine the number of control channels.
(c) Calculate the number of voice channels per cell.
b) Sketch and explain E-UTRANarchitecture.
c) What is the wavelength if frequency of a radio wave is (i) 15 kHz (ii) 30 kHz [4]
(iii) 1.5 MHz, and (iv) 6 GHz?
Q5 a)
With the help of an appropriate diagram, explain the basic steps of Mobile [12]
terminated call (MTC) i.e., needed to connect a calling station with a
mobile user when the calling station is outside the GSM network.
If a normal GSM time slot consists of 6 trailing bits, 8.25 guard bits, 26 [8]
training bits, and 2 traffic bursts of 58 bits of data, find the frame
Q6 a)
Consider Global System for Mobile, which is a TDMA/FDD system that uses [8]
25 MHz for the forward link, which is broken into radio channels. of 200
kHz. If speech channels are supported on a single radio channel, and if no
guard band is assumed, find the number of simultaneous users that can
be accommodated in GSM.
With the help of an appropriate diagram discuss how Encryption is [8]
achieved in a GSM network.
What is the difference between LTEFDDand LTETDD?