(10 MARKS]
Evaluate the statements and select whether the statement is true or false. Write the word
'True' or 'False' next to the corresponding number on your ANSWERSHEET.
2.1 Unlike Eukaryotic cell, prokaryotic cell is a cell lacking nucleus.
2.2 A single cell (microorganism) can reproduce without interaction of other
2.3 Some Archaea halophiles which are known to live in survive or live in
extreme acid conditions i.e. pH < 2.0
2.4 Diplococci - Cells divide in one plane and remain attached predominately
in pairs, e.g. pneumococci.
2.5 Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic known as Penicillin
which belongs to the Penicillium genus by accident.
2.6 Viruses cannot reproduce outside a host cell and cannot metabolize on
their own.
2.7 Zoonotic Diseases is an infectious disease that is transmitted between
species from animals to humans (or from humans to animals).
2.8 The germ theory of disease suggested that it was the unclean, unhealthy
air that was causing disease.
2.9 Microorganisms that grow at low refrigeration temperatures are also
known as mesophilic.
2.10 'Parasites' are organisms that derive nourishment and protection from
other living organisms known as 'hosts'.
(10 MARKS]
Evaluate the statements in each numbered section and select the most appropriate answer
or phrase from the given possibilities. Write only the appropriate letter next to the question
in the ANSWERSHEETprovided.
Course Name (Course Code)
1st Opportunity November 2023